
I had my tuition today – well not exactly that, I watched as my story was uploaded onto Amazon in kindle form. It is not a simple process for someone like me so I was pleased to have the help. One has seven lines for key words and I learnt one can put more than one word on each of these lines. Doing it on my own, I wouldn’t have known this. There was a price to select, options on royalties and other things to choose. I was grateful to have assistance with these. I was also shown that there was a method in writing the blurb that will tell readers about the book. It was more than just copying the words from the back cover.

It was also mentioned to place my book on other sites apart from Amazon, but those names just glided over my head. I am not computer savvy nor do I know the ‘other options’ that were mentioned. I guess I am still functioning in the old school methods, as are many people my age and older. We haven’t fully made the transition to the ways of today’s world.

I know from time to time I think of the odd person I went to school with and search Facebook, only to find they are not members. About half of my friends use Facebook, the others don’t. It is worse if I am searching for old female friends as most have a different surname than what they did in school days.

My own foray into Facebook started when my kids wanted to show me photos. ‘’Go onto Facebook,’’ they would say. So, I did. I know they have moved on to other forms of communication now, using the site less frequently than in the past.

When Helen was setting up this website, she encouraged me to do all kinds of things outside of my comfort zone, such as writing this blog. ‘’Get on to Instagram,’’ was another thing she advised. I do view my daughter’s posts on this site, but that is as far as I have ventured.

I seem to have been taking a lot of scary steps lately, but when I think back a few years, it was also a scary step just sending an email or using my new smart phone so I guess I have come a long way, and I should also know that practice does certainly make things easier.


Big legs

