
I had a healing scheduled this morning, 25 minutes away, something I have been looking forward to all week. However, the rain Gods decided that that was not going to happen. For the first time since I have lived here, both the road out and the bypass, which is used when the main road floods, were impassable. I have travelled over the bypass numerous times, even when the flood waters have been lashing at the tyres. However, this morning we received word that even that road was unsuitable for anything other than four-wheel-drive vehicles. And with full-tide still five hours away, I knew it would only get worse. There was a possibility we may have got out, but I did not want to be stranded off the Peninsular. If the water is high at low tide and rain still lashing down, there would have been a big chance of that happening.

I relayed that message to the healer. However, my disappointment was short-lived when she suggested a zoom healing. I myself heal long-distance so I knew it would be just as good. Well, not quite, for there is nothing like being next to someone while they work on you, sitting in their space and their energies, but almost. Ironically, I had only downloaded the zoom ap yesterday, for a meeting that will take place tomorrow and I was unsure how to use it, but it all quickly fell into place.

I am always a believer that everything happens as it is meant, that this was the way this meeting was supposed to take place today. I could feel the healer’s energies working on my body, just as strongly as if she was alongside me. I took myself down to my treatment room for this, a place of sanctuary for me, though seldom used these days. I have made it a storage room for my books.

If nothing else, my presence there today, alerted me to several leaks in the ceiling. I knew of one of these but not all of them. I was wary bringing my books down to this room and I may bring them back to the house. That would be a catastrophe if they were to get wet while in storage.

Everything seems to be about my book these days for me. It has taken a lot of my time and energy but the biggest shift has been about being public about this side of myself. I talked with the healer after the treatment, about the book launch, as she will be performing a Cacao ceremony at the start of it. I had envisaged that the launch would take the same format as the last one, wine, nibbles and a spread afterwards, with the Cacao ceremony preceding this. However, as was suggested to me, perhaps not having alcohol would lend more to the spiritual side of the launch; after all the book is a spiritual one. I like this thought and when I think about those who might attend, I know they would all be open to this and keeping the whole afternoon in a spiritual mode would be lovely. It would really be about me standing in my truth. I have the feeling that that was what much of the healing was about today – I saw one of my spirit animals, the black panther, who asked why I had put his photo away, while the lion came through for the healer, offering me courage. Each time she mentioned doing the work I had come back for, made me emotional, suggesting that this was the primary reason for the healing – offering me courage to stand in my truth and clearing away the obstructions to this.

Somehow, the thought of spiritual alignment with what I project outwards and what is within, now sits easier with me.

Thank you Giulia.



