Learning preference

My preference for learning is the written word. If I want to find something out, I Google it. The podcasts, which have sprung up dramatically, are not something I am drawn to. In my opinion, they are too long-winded and it is difficult to sort out what is important and what is not, without listening to the whole thing, whereas the written material can be skimmed through pretty quickly.

For example, a U Tube clip can go on for 30 minutes, whereas the same information can be written on one page. The difference, being a lot of unnecessary extras, thrown in to supposedly grab the listener and make them want that product or idea. All that type of spiel does for me, is to cause irritation.

This morning was a prime example. I read, that scientists and everyone else, had got it wrong in their understanding and treatment of diabetes. This gels with me, because I believe that too. I now had to listen to a short (joke) podcast, telling me the magic ingredient that would reverse all effects of diabetes, but more importantly, would explain to me exactly what was going on with the body.

The podcast started and it wasn’t long before I was given an example of a professor’s paper detailing the information I was after, or at least telling me I would soon know that. His article was never published because his study was funded by one of the big drug companies. By curing diabetes, he would do the drug company out of billions of dollars, and thus publishing it, would stop the funding donated to that particular university. This gels with me as well as I am sure there is a lot of that that goes on. Any drug that would actually cure an illness would be detrimental to drug companies. They wouldn’t want that information out there.

A little further into the podcast, I was told that in six minutes, I would be given the magic ingredient that this man wanted to share with the world. He was sure that was what God wanted.

It was a jolly sight longer than six minutes and I was still waiting. I heard his life story, how he had been unable to do anything but was now fit and active, how this group of people in the Himalayas were averaging 100-year lifespans, how I would soon know the key to reversing all the symptoms that I suffer from too. I didn’t want to know all that extra spiel. All I wanted was to understand what was really going on with the body and what might help my high blood sugar and metabolic sluggishness. I did get that information eventually but the promised secret ingredient took a lot longer to be revealed. Then I was told that it needed to be in combination with all these other ingredients and in the right proportions. I listened, just long enough to find out what these were, and the name of the product, which I then Googled.

It would have been much easier to have done that initially but I had no idea what the product was, without wasting at least half an hour of my time listening to a whole lot of stuff I wasn’t interested in. Do advertisers really believe people want to hear all this extra stuff? Perhaps they do and perhaps other people do, but I certainly don’t.

I could now buy the product though. It looked eerily similar to the other two times when I have been scammed. One bottle for just $49.99, gosh 300% off it today, or three bottles for whatever. There is no mention that this is US dollars either, even on the Australian site. What had happened last time was I had pushed the next button, believing I was buying one bottle and in New Zealand dollars and my price would be confirmed before I finalised it, only to realise my $29 one-bottle purchase was actually several bottles and several hundred dollars and was already confirmed. Not going to be burnt again.

For what its worth to other readers, the ingredients, there to help us in our fight against high blood sugar and those with diabetes, are gymnema sylvestra, biotin, chromium, manganese, licquorice root, cinnamon, zinc and juniper berries.

There is something else going on here and that is that many people do enjoy these podcasts. Writing a daily blog is so yesterday. While it is my preference, it is certainly not everyone’s, these days. I have been encouraged to start my own U Tube clips, but really, I think I will stick to my way of story-telling. Far easier to skim through the garbage.


Publishing a book

