
I have a number of issues bubbling away at the moment, always a good time to do my work and release them. The ‘releasing trapped trauma in the body’ is a great meditation to clear anything, I am finding, because part of the meditation allows one to address both physical and emotional symptoms, moving directly to their source. Some of the issues coming up for me are ones I have worked on in the past but I am assuming they are reappearing so I can actually release them from my body and not just my energy field as I have done in the past. I have always stated that if an issue reappears then there is more work to do on it. When I worked as a massage therapist, I always found that until the trapped trauma was released from the body, the painful area would remain. Once the trauma was released, the pain would disappear.

Last night, I decided to play the meditation once again. The feeling I was working on was one of lack of acknowledgement. Any emotion that triggers us in the present, always stems from things from our past. I’d had lifetimes of lack of acknowledgement and many childhood examples. I had worked on these energetically but obviously I was still holding areas in my physical body. It must have taken a good half hour to release all the blackness. Initially I felt it in my shoulder area, but as I worked, I ended up removing debris all the way from my feet to my head. There were metal rods and sheets, lead balls and lengths and lengths of blackness. Some of the debris went up to the angels for cleansing and some went into the molten core at the centre of the earth for melting. They seemed to know which direction to head once released from my body.

I know for many people, what I describe seems too much out there, but I have always had good vision when working on myself or others and as I pointed out in my books, I always describe what I see. What I have learnt over the years is certain things produce the same looking thing in different people. Methamphetamine use, for example, coats a person’s energy field, and pulling the substance off is like pulling sticky tape off a hedgehog.

When I was massaging, the things I saw on my clients were either the traumas themselves or something that would take that person back to a certain period in their lives. In one woman, I saw big birds. She informed me her ex-husband had these. ‘’What was going on in your life then?’’ I asked and she proceeded to tell me of that unhappy time in her life. Her body was holding those trapped emotions, which had been sitting there, just waiting to be released.

There is always a sequence to healing, which is another thing I point out in my books. One often has to work on this before they are shown that, for example. Releasing trauma from my body is not an area I have worked on much in the past – most of my healing has been of my past lives or childhood issues but as I stated above, removing from my energy field, rather than my actual physical body.

Another thing I like about this meditation is that one can also target a physical issue rather than an emotion or feeling. Behind all physical illness is always a blocked energy pathway. And what is causing that blockage? In many cases it will be a trapped trauma. So overall, the exercise of removing these can only be a positive thing. I look forward to the day when I look inside my body and see only  pinkness.


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