

My book has begun its journey through its final stages. I received the first 25 pages for approval on Friday. I love what Amanda is doing. I can’t believe that I have found this company that is creating the perfect finish to my story. However, as I read through the pages, I saw several words and phrases that I wasn’t happy with. I had missed all of these when I sent my story off for printing. I had read and re-read the manuscript multiple times, making sure that I was ok with the final draft, yet I had missed these three errors. I thought about letting them go, as they wouldn’t have made that much of a difference to the overall read of the story but then I decided that as they were tripping me up as I read them, they would perhaps trip other readers up as well. At the risk of becoming a pain to the printing people, I have submitted the changes I wish to make, on the alteration sheet provided. What this has taught me is that one can never read a manuscript too many times. Just a different layout can expose problems that weren’t seen before. At the end of the day, we the writers have to be happy with the finished product. If we are not, how can anyone else be? I now realise there are likely to be more corrections needed. I also realise that I will make them, as at the end of the day, it is me that needs to be happy.



