
I had a discussion this morning with my friend about integrity. That is something that is important to me and I think the main reason why I loathe Donald Trump. He has none. I used to watch his programme, The Apprentice, years ago. So many times, worthy contestants were fired, because they used their integrity. An example, was when, as team leader, they would take the blame for another’s mistake. To me, that would enhance my ranking of that individual and I would keep them on because it showed they had the highest attributes anyone could have. But to Trump, integrity held no standard and these contestants were fired. He is supposedly a successful business man but if the examples of his character that he showed on this TV programme were anything to go by, I would say he has probably bulldozed his way through life, not caring how he has treated people along the way.

Having money can be helpful, but how have we obtained it? Have we got where we are in life with integrity, treating others well in the process or have we obtained it through being greedy and cutting others out? Many would say one can’t be a successful business person without being hard-nosed and cut-throat. I disagree. Money can be obtained by being a decent person and acting with integrity in the process. And money doesn’t make a person, even though some with wealth think this is the case, believing they can steam-roll others or that in some ways they are higher or better than their fellow men.

None of us will take our money with us when we go. Yes, it would be nice to ensure our descendants benefit from our hard work but each of us will enter the next phase of our journey as a soul without any of our accompanying physical possessions. I was shown, a few years ago, that no-one judges us on the other side, rather, in the space of love we now find ourselves in, we are able to see our own shortcomings. We judge ourselves. It is ourselves we need to forgive. And that can be damned hard if we have lived our lives with little integrity.

And it is not just money; integrity applies with every interaction we have with another. Did we stand up for that person when we heard false things being said about them? Did we return the extra change when the shopkeeper had obviously made a mistake? Did we give someone something we had when we knew they needed it? Did we keeps someone’s secret and in my case with energy healing, did we respect someone’s boundaries and not look energetically without their permission?

I know I have been guilty in the past of not using my integrity as I know I should have, but hopefully, I am better at doing so now. As I said above, it is an attribute I rate highly in other people and I hope it is something that others will remember me by when I am gone.



