
Stephen and I decided to go out for dinner last night. I would have probably preferred not to, as I was tired and sun-drenched from my trip to beach, earlier. However, the thought of not having to cook and of a nice meal, was the catalyst I needed. 

It is frustrating not having too many choices to wear on such occasions, but that does provide a good incentive to continue my healthier eating plan. I want to fit my dresses again next summer, including my favourite, tucked away, that I haven't worn, since shortly after meeting Stephen.

It was a half-hour drive to the restaurant, where we once again, had an enjoyable meal. This was the same place that Stephen and I had our first date so it holds some happy memories.

We have visited this eatery several times since that visit. Not a lot has changed. The service and food continue to be outstanding. A couple of years ago they expanded their building, allowing room for several more tables, which, at this time of year, helps meet the demand, along with several sittings throughout the evening. We were told we would need to be gone by 7pm, but no problem as we'd booked for 5.30pm.

But what has changed is the new boardwalk that runs along the waterfront, across the road from the restaurant.

This is spectacular and kudos to the council for achieving it. Amongst the development, is a new wharf for fishing and boat access, and wide steps going all the way to the water, perfect for those wanting a swim. There is also seating and areas for people to gather and sit, along its 364-metre length, which connects with footpaths and then a 550-metre gravel path in the opposite direction.

It was Stephen's idea to have a walk after our meal. We didn't go far, but found a seat where we sat, enjoying the movement of the harbour. So many people were using this excellent facility. I saw the same thing in New Plymouth. When the mayor first proposed the idea of a walkway along New Plymouth's foreshore, she struck a lot of opposition. However, once that first section was installed, it's popularity was so great that a second section was soon added. Now their walkway goes for 13.2km. Thousands of people use it and it can only be a positive thing for people's health.

Perhaps one day, this walkway will be expanded too and maybe when I'm really old, I'll enjoy a lengthy stroll or a ride on my scooter, reminiscing about the time when the walkway only went as far as the village.




