
I have woken today, full of inspiration, to get those things done, that I have been procrastinating over. It must be the full moon. My hair has been needing a trim for a very long time, we have needed groceries and I have felt like trying out the new massage therapist who lives up the road. Plus, there is Stephen’s claim on his damaged rim to attend to. We did send a letter to Waka Kotahi, the agency responsible for the roads and they have sent a more detailed form for us to fill in for the local roading contractor. We have been warned that they seldom pay compensation, but as it has become reasonably costly, it is worth a try.

I sent a text off to the woman who cuts my hair and now have an appointment for this afternoon, Stephen and I will travel up to town for groceries after this blog and we have contacted the rim repairers for a receipt in order to complete the rim form. I shall phone for a massage appointment later. So, by the end of the week, all those things I have been putting off should be completed, with most of them done today.

It is amazing how much better one feels when one is well. And I do feel well now, better than I have felt for months. That last lot of antibiotics must have wiped something out of my system. Yay.

It is interesting how the ebb and flow of life works, that sometimes we seem to be sitting on unfinished or unattended to tasks while at other times, like today, we seem to fire ahead, ticking off numerous things at once.

Those four cabbage trees that I bought at King’s Birthday weekend are still waiting to be planted, and the fertilizer waiting to be spread, but the way I am feeling, that could happen as early as tomorrow. I like being on a roll. But actually, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Any trip to town is pretty draining. I might not feel nearly as fired tomorrow, but today, I could take on the world.

Grocery shopping is hard work, especially the bill at the end of it. We tend to stock up for several weeks, which is positive in some ways in that we don’t have to shop very often, but it also means some of the fresh produce is not so fresh by the end of it and often it is that that we need to stock up in between the big shops. With the taxes coming off the petrol, and the increase in prices for all our food, everything about a trip to town is expensive these days. I have touched on the subject in a previous blog, but I do wonder how some of these families cope with all the higher prices. I am at a stage in my life, where I buy the food I want to eat, not what I can afford with a large family to feed, as it was in the old days. Speaking of which, my all-time favourite fruit, cherries are about due to be back on the shelves again. These get imported from over seas and are generally seen about now. The price is exorbitant, but a weakness I succumb to every time. I do love my cherries.

On that note, it is probably time to end this and travel to town. One never knows, cherries might be back in stock.


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