Daily blogs

As I’ve been plugging away at my daily blogs, or as frequently as I am able, I have clocked up far more words than I had realised -164,656 to be precise. I added them up this morning.

To put that in perspective, Who Is Me? contains 65,000 while The Collective Us has 68,000 words.

Each time I have attended the writing group in Mangonui and explained what I am doing writing-wise, my daily blog has seemed so insignificant, yet when I see I have put together as much material as two and a half books, I realise my efforts have not been as insignificant as I thought.

With a book, as much effort goes into the editing afterwards as the writing in the beginning - fine tuning, tightening, and spell, grammar and fact checking, whereas my blog is published with very little of these processes in place. I have often spotted a mistake of some kind after publication, meant to have gone back and corrected it, only to have not done so. There is nothing worse for the reader than to find a piece of writing full of errors. I did think once of writing each blog the day before and checking the following morning before publication. In that way, one would pick up spelling and other mistakes that would have gone unnoticed by the eye that sees what it thinks should be there rather than what actually is. I decided against this as I wanted my blogs to be fresh each day.

The bottom line is that I love writing and I always have. I wrote profusely in my teenage years only to stop completely for a number of years, before resuming in the mid-1990s. When I haven’t got a book that I am working on, the daily blog enables me to keep my hand in the craft that I love. Should I start a further book, I think the blog would take a back seat as there is only so much writing a person can do in a day or should I say only so much computer time a person can tolerate at one time. With my writing, I have always stopped when I have become tired, except of course, when I was a journalist and those articles needed finishing regardless of how one was feeling.

As I uncovered more information spiritually, I found I had returned to earth with a soul purpose of ‘’writing so that others may understand’’ so of course I was going to love writing. I have uncovered three former lives where I was a writer and in each of these I was burnt to death at the stake. No wonder I had so many fears about my published work. I am so glad I have conquered these now. In one of these former lives, I was a monk and I used to see images of myself, a man inside a stone room, writing with a quill. I don’t know why he was killed, but he seemed to have reached a state of acceptance of his fate as I didn’t need to do any work in this life, on his death. In a further life, I was again a male, and I used to see images of him going to work and loving what he did which must have been some kind of hidden writing. He was outed by his jealous wife who wanted revenge for an affair he had had. The third life was my Jill life and it was only in the last couple of years that I discovered she was a writer as well. Again, her writing must have been something that she hid, probably because she was a woman.

I guess another purpose for me in this incarnation was to overcome the fears that these people had endured once their writing was discovered. That was a big thing for me.

Perhaps each person reading this, can look at their own loves and fears. And perhaps, like me, there is a soul purpose attached to both. As I tell people, in life, it is about finding one’s joy. When one does so, they are definitely stepping towards their soul’s alignment. May you all find your inner peace.




Inspirational quote