If it were only that simple

A friend made a suggestion yesterday and that was: Why don’t you just let things go, rather than spending so much time working on yourself, doing this release or that release? The answer, I wish I could. What I have found over the years, is that if something is affecting me in any way, there is work for me to do on that. And when I have done the work, the issue dissolves and I no longer react in the same way I was reacting in the past. Sometimes I need to address an issue many times before I get the release I am after, but if I keep at it, I do get to the bottom of what I am trying to resolve. I wish it were as simple as just letting it go, but for me it is not. I might go years without having to do any self-work. It is generally a change in circumstances or meeting new people, that brings out more for me to address. At times there can be a flurry of self-healing, while at other times, a drought.

I have heard people also say, ``oh just live in the now’’. My answer to this is, if one hasn’t done their work on a particular issue, there is a tremendous energy required to keep that issue pushed down and that person in the now. However, when one does the work on themselves, the issues disappear, and one finds oneself in the now automatically, no energy required.

I always find it interesting watching reality tv, as I see other people’s issues so clearly. They may be conflicting with this person or that person or gossiping about them, when in reality, the problem is generally not the other person’s, rather an unhealed part of themselves, making them react.

All my sharing I am doing, is not to expose my own weaknesses but to put a mirror up for others to perhaps see the same thing in themselves and recognize it could be something they could heal.

I have shared so many of my past lives. I have said many times, nobody needs past life information, for we get examples in our current life of any issue we have brought with us from our former lives to heal. I am sharing my lives, not to make people think they need to know about their own former lives, but to show people there is always a bigger picture operating; that their issues from this life are never just their own, but issues their former selves have faced and want healed. Any healing we do, we are evolving our souls, becoming more complete as a person.

Of course, everyone’s issues will be unique to themselves and the methods that work for some to dissolve them will be just as unique. If you are one of the lucky ones who can just let things go, then you are lucky.

Happy healing everyone, in whatever method works for you.


Good news

