Friend’s daughter

I have a friend’s daughter living in Perth. I was having one of our twice-yearly catch ups yesterday and she didn’t sound like her normal self.

‘’What’s wrong,’’ I asked her, and she immediately burst into tears. I think it was the timing of my call, more than anything else. Had I rung, say, a week later, this probably wouldn’t have been an issue but the event that had upset her had only happened the day before. She has a nail business and had had an argument with one of her clients. My friend’s daughter has three children and is now separated. Her ex-partner, the father of her children, is Maori. My friend is not racist and has lots of Maori friends. But she and this particular client, who is Maori, got into an argument, with her client calling her a stuck-up white bitch, all because she asked her a question that triggered her in some way. My friend’s daughter tried to point out that she wasn’t racist and was told that she didn’t know what had happened. As my friend hadn’t lived in New Zealand for some years, she knew she didn’t know what has been going on back here and admitted this. But what this client was referring to were issues that happened during the early colonial settlement of New Zealand.

Unfortunately, this kind of antagonism is happening all too readily these days, particularly among the younger generation of New Zealanders. It is such a shame. The Government has been working hard with land settlements to try and rectify some of the wrongs that happened years ago. But there must come a point, where people say, yes, wrongs were committed, it is time to move on. Boiling resentment doesn’t do anyone any good, not the people holding on to it, nor the people where this resentment gets directed to.  

I had my own land grievances in my Indian life, where land was taken from us. In my next life after that, I was a settler moving on to the land that had been confiscated. However, I died before actually reaching the land that we sought. My point here is that we have all lived multiple lives. We have been the aggrieved and the aggressor in many cases. If people just understood this and instead of focusing on something that happened years ago, instead focused on moving forwards and healing any resentments boiling away, the world would be a better place. We can’t go backwards in life, only forwards, although I do believe, in spirit, time as we know it doesn’t exist. But it does exist here on the earth plane.

Resentment only makes the carrier bitter, not the people where this is directed at. My one plea to everyone is to forgive others and forgive yourselves. The hatred will only continue to grow until people take personal responsibility for their own thoughts and actions, and not worry about what everyone else is thinking and doing.

Because I am able to do long-distant healing, I gave my friend’s daughter some healing after our phone call. There I saw three arrows embedded in her back, and a big pool of negativity in her work place. I removed them all. I know she will be feeling a whole lot better now, but will possibly be more wary with what she says in innocent conversation in the future.


Not for celebrations


Rain, rain and more rain