Forecast rain

We have been given a forecast of 60 hours of rain, starting about 6pm this evening. We will probably get some of this. In summer it is so frustrating watching the showers skirt past us, washing over the harbour or distant hills, or hearing the thunder rattling through the sky and knowing we won’t be the recipients of any of that rain. This is especially so when we have been forecast a shower or two and the plants and our water tanks are desperately crying out for some. Watering the garden with a hose, just doesn’t cut it, especially if we have just experienced several months without any decent rain. With sandy soil, any water we do get, just drains straight away. So up here, rain at any time of the year is welcome. It is always lovely watching the plants produce new leaves or add a centimetre or two to their height, once the wet weather arrives. This allows the plants to regain their strength after battling the summer droughts.

It is sad that rain is not distributed more evenly throughout the world or even through the country. I have been in many floods during my life and they are not nice things to experience. The current floods in Sydney must be devastating for those affected. Not only are they dangerous, but people can lose so many of their irreplaceable treasures, such as photographs or other documents, and on top of that, there is the cleaning up of homes after the event.

Then there are those in drought-stricken countries who haven’t been able to produce a decent crop for years, leaving thousands of people without enough food to survive.

We are lucky here in New Zealand in that any droughts or floods we do get are generally temporary occurrences. Living where I am, as I mentioned, can produce very dry summers, but the rains do come in winter and if there is flooding, which is a possibility with this latest forecast, then the sun always follows, allowing things to dry out and return to normal.

I know at this time of the year, lambs are starting to arrive and it will be tough for them, as it will be for people without decent shelter. And the birds too, it can’t be much fun foraging in the rain.

But I do know, the trees will be grateful for any rain we do get, just as I will be, to have the water tanks filled again. And I hope this latest forecast does not cause any severe flooding to anyone.



