Feathers of remembrance

Last week, I was listening to an interesting U Tube clip about a woman who did not believe in the after-life. She wanted proof. Her husband of many years had died leaving her heart broken. They had had some kind of pact, that he would do his best to communicate with her if he was indeed still conscious after he passed over. She had a few things happen to her which she brushed off as coincidence, before asking for a feather as a symbol of communication with him. She was eventually convinced that her husband’s spirit was indeed around her, when, shortly after this request, a feather drifted past her out of nowhere.

On our way home from town on Friday, the car in front of us ran over a dead Canadian Goose, the first time I had ever seen one dead on the road before. A shower of feathers flew into the sky and again when we drove over it. My first thoughts were, gosh, an awful lot of passed over loved ones are trying to communicate with me. If I hadn’t have watched that clip the night before I wouldn’t have even had that thought, but somehow it seemed relevant.

I thought nothing more of it until I received a messenger call on Sunday, from one of my old friends from the Hokianga where I used to live, telling me my dear old friend, Diane, had died that day. We had been very close in the 1990s when I had lived there but had not seen a great deal of each other since. I had moved away and she had gone to Australia, only returning a couple of years ago. The last time I had seen her was in July when Stephen and I travelled the nearly two hours for a visit. She had messaged me when she saw my latest book, Ty’s Roller Coaster Ride, asking me to save her a copy and that she would be over before Christmas to pick it up. I guessed she’d just gotten busy when she didn’t come. I had not realised that her cancer had returned and I expect she was wanting to tell me that in person.

It was with this friend, that I developed a lot of my spiritual beliefs. She was the first person I had met who experienced the same kinds of things spiritually, that I did. We were both attacked (spiritually), on the same nights and these always coincided with the days before someone died. From those and other occurrences, I came to believe that spirit comes into our realm three days before a person dies, to help them on their journey to the other side. Whilst there, they spend a bit of time around other loved ones still living, hence the fact that Diane and I would have these night-time encounters. I didn’t have any inkling that Diane was about to die - no spiritual encounters or anything like that, but I did firstly listen to that U-Tube clip then see all those feathers fly into the air on Friday, which would have been two days before she passed. I do believe now, that that was spirit’s way of telling me a death was imminent. Yesterday, Stephen and I visited the grieving family, who said they had expected more time with their mother and wife. They suspected it was a heart attack, rather than the cancer, that killed her.

I am very sad for everyone, but I do treasure the memories from those 10 years that we lived in the same locality and the spiritual journey we undertook together. I did see her on Sunday night, it seemed she was with me a lot, as I was thinking of her each time I woke up. She was extremely happy and flying free. May her happiness continue.



Final goodbyes


Sweltering temperatures