Favourite spots

I visited one of my favourite spots again this morning and will post the picture with this blog. It is a reasonable hike to reach the rocks and giant Pohutukawa trees, under which this photo was taken. The car was parked on the other side of the bay, towards the righthand side of the photo, in the distance. I had been feeling like this walk for a while now as I wanted a longer walk than I have been having. The incentive in this one, is to reach the end of the bay as the rock formations and trees are stunning.

On my usual beach walk, it is too easy to turn around and thus not increase my distance. I have decided that I want to do more exercise now that I really am feeling better, plus Stephen informed me that the weather is meant to pack up in the next day or two so I figured why not do this walk today.

And I am so pleased that we did. It is always nice to sit under the giant Pohutukawa and this morning was no exception. I shut my eyes and felt my body immersing with the tree as I sat on one of its low-lying limbs. It was like we had a short communication. I shared my concerns about the state of unrest in the world and was told that I knew what to do. And I do know, and that is to continue healing myself and any relationship that is not of anything other than love. Peace in the world will only come about when there is peace within every one of us and our relationships with those nearest and dearest to us.

This bay is only an eight-minute drive from home and there is also a choice of beach. In summer, I prefer the adjacent one, as the waves are usually more supportive of my body boarding passion and sometimes, we will walk to a further beach where the white sands are as glistening as those in the tropics. This really is a lovely place to live.

I decided to post a selection of today’s photos on Facebook before writing this, a task I find frustrating. I haven’t yet figured out a way to earmark the ones I want to post. I thought by making the better ones my favourites it would be easier to find them when posting, but the little hearts were nowhere to be seen. I then had to guess which was the one I wanted when there were two or three of the same scene. I mentioned in yesterday’s blog how I always take heaps of photos, hoping to get one good one, but never getting around to deleting the ones I don’t want. That action makes it difficult in finding the right photo for posting because they all look the same in their small icons.

But what was that Pohutukawa trying to tell me this morning. You know what to do. Yep, this healing of the world goes all the way back to oneself and one’s everyday actions. Don’t sweat the small stuff, let that feeling go. Find peace in every moment.




Finding things