Favourite crystal

My favourite crystal is fluorite, which comes in many colours including green, purple, clear, blue and yellow. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I love every piece I have, and that is quite a few of them. I was thinking about it the other day. Because I like so many crystals, it is hard to narrow down a favourite but if I think about it, I have always liked my fluorite pieces. One of the first crystals I bought was a fluorite wand and that had many colours in it, mainly yellow and purple stripes. It has faded now, but it seemed to hold so much magic at the time I bought it. Back then, I had done very little work on myself and the crystals helped me immensely once I started my healing journey. I used to lay them on my body or hold them, and answers and insights came readily while doing so.

The last few days, I have been thinking about fluorite again. It is a shame the local lady has moved as she always had a great selection of crystals to choose from.

I don’t buy many these days, but every now and again, like now, a piece will call out to me. I just typed in fluorite on Trade Me thinking the piece may be there but all I got was bags of fish fertilizer. I will try again later and see if there is anything going.

Crystals and their availability seem to go in cycles. At any one time, there will be several varieties that are abundant and easy to find, then these same ones will become obscure and almost difficult to purchase some time later. I guess as a new shipment comes in, a surplus is there but once sold, maybe not so easy to find anymore.

According to Google, fluorite absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. It is said to increase the powers of concentration, self-confidence and decision making. It also encourages positivity, balances the energies and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.

Just reading through that list, nothing obvious is jumping out at me at why I might be wanting another fluorite crystal, but perhaps it is none of the above. Maybe there is a crystal wanting a new home.

Whatever the reason, I can feel the calling and I will be looking out for the piece that is doing this.


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