
I attended the funeral yesterday of a beautiful soul, a woman I only met for the first time at my book launch in September last year. I just clicked with this gracious woman. I could feel Fleur’s energy and I loved what I felt. She’d had a sore mouth at the launch, which, a few days later was diagnosed as cancer. That must have been a scary time for her as she had already lost one family member to this disease and had another who had recovered some years earlier, from a similar diagnosis.

I immediately offered my healing services to Fleur, which she accepted a couple of times. I felt so privileged to have this opportunity to work with her. She had opted to treat herself naturally, rather than accepting the invasive options that were presented to her.  

We have to remember that in all cases such as these, it is the sick person who chooses their treatment, we do not force our opinions or our methods on anyone. That was relayed to me again in a channelled reading that I did on the first session. ‘’She knows what is right for her. Offer her alternatives and let her choose,’’ I was told. And so I centred my treatments on the options she felt would work best for her. And I know that she sought out other natural forms of treatment, the ones that she also felt would help.

Years ago, I was encouraged to buy the book, Hands Of Light, by Barbara Ann Brennan. It was from this that I gained some valuable healing knowledge and I always remembered something she’d written in the book. It went along the lines that healing doesn’t necessarily mean making the patient well, it can just be preparing them spiritually, for their journey ahead. I tried to find the bit I was referring to but couldn’t. I did however, find this. If someone would, heaven forbid, die – then you must see it all as a blessed event. That soul has completed its task, and there is a great and joyous welcoming committee greeting it in the primary reality. After all, your physical being was not meant to be infinite.

I have always known this, we all know this, but I wouldn’t have liked to have been in those shoes and given a diagnosis such as this beautiful lady was. Fleur had such wonderful grace. I lent her a selenite crystal and told her she could keep it for as long as she needed to. She texted me one day to say that she no longer had use for it anymore, so I went around. By this stage, although she was tiring and visits were difficult, her love and radiance were palpable. I only stayed briefly and came away buzzing, like I was the one who had just been healed. Then I received a further text telling me she had forgotten to pick me some roses, a gift she had given me with each of my healing visits. Here she was, still thinking of others, even when she was so unwell herself. It had just started to rain and I didn’t want her to go out in this with her lowered immunity, so I told her I was already on my way home. That visit was the last time that I saw her.

Even though she suffered a tremendous amount of pain, Fleur was able to bring herself into a beautiful space of love and grace. At her funeral, her husband said that she set the alarm so that she didn’t miss a second more of life than she had to. How much of each of our own lives do we waste? I know I have been guilty many times of taking this gift, that is my life, for granted. It is the reflection that we see at times such as with Fleur, that the specialness of life is brought to our awareness.

So even though I hardly knew you Fleur, l loved the person you were and the gifts of grace and love that you gave me. May you rest in peace.


Night waking

