Everyone needs one

Everyone needs a Genevieve in their life, that eternally positive person who loves everything about you, what you wear, how you look and what you do.

I have put on the most hideous dress and Genevieve goes, ‘’wow, I love that dress on you, I love those colours.’’

My own daughter would go something along the lines of ‘’it’s not my cup of tea’’, or ‘’why are you wearing THAT.’’

Same with the haircut. ‘’That really suits you,’’ as opposed to ‘’I’m not that fussed on the style mum, your fringe is crooked’’ or ‘’you really do need to colour your hair.’’

And so it goes on. ‘’Wow your healings are amazing. I love what you write, I loved that blog.’’ Yes, there is someone who actually reads them, one of the few I call my fan club. But I feel so fortunate to have someone in my life who is like this, who radiates positivity the whole time.

Genevieve and Willow are accompanying Stephen and me this weekend to the Mind, Body and Spirit event. While Stephen will spend most of the weekend visiting his friend, Genevieve will stay and help me on the stall. ‘’I’ll come,’’ were her enthusiastic words when I announced I would be attending the event – actually even before it. I told her we might not know if we had a spot until the final week. ‘’No problem,’’ was the reply.

And then last week she messages me with a potential sign for the stall, something she has designed herself, and now wants to get printed and laminated, which she does. It is beautiful and something I had never thought of doing or having myself. I am definitely not creative in that way. I was prepared to pack a bit of coloured paper and a felt pen. Our stall will definitely be more professional looking now.

And she is insisting on taking her van as we will all be able to fit into that, as opposed to taking two vehicles.

Genevieve won our family’s heart when she was introduced to us as Daniel’s girlfriend, back in 2012. She happily accompanied Daniel on his visits to his elderly grandparents, something my sister-in-law pointed out at the time was unusual. So many young people don’t give their elders any time, yet Genevieve enjoyed these visits.

Of course, it was with great sadness when Daniel passed away in 2016, just weeks before his and Genevieve’s wedding, which was due to be held in France, her home country.

But not only has Genevieve maintained contact with our side of the family ever since, sending us photos when she is in France, of her and Willow’s latest escapades, but she has spent time back here in New Zealand too, enthusiastically becoming my number one fan, and helping wherever she can.

It is so uplifting having someone like this in one’s life.

When I was a journalism student, we had to write a profile as part of our course requirements. I found a local principal who was highly regarded and wrote about him. I received stinging criticism from the tutor for my story. ‘’This is a paean of praise,’’ he chided and instructed that I write a more balanced article about the man. I found someone who didn’t like him and included this in my second attempt. The next step was sending this back to the person for approval before submitting for print.

The principal was furious and upset and never spoke to me again, even when he became a councillor and I was the journalist. “I told you things about myself that I had never told anyone in my life,’’ he said. He felt betrayed and angry. That was a big lesson for me. I made the vow right there and then that I would go with my own gut for all future stories. It had felt right to write this ‘paean of praise’ and I realised so wrong to include this negative piece from one solitary person. I never did submit that profile to the paper, nor did I explain to him why my story contained the negative component.

I was aware of this this morning when I was writing this blog about the virtues of having a positive person in my life, such as Genevieve. I am sure the world would be a better place if we each acknowledged these good people who grace our lives, rather than thinking something negative must be added.

We love you and appreciate all you do for us Genevieve.


Back to normal


One more sleep