Back to normal

The Mind, Body & Spirit event is over, we are home and I guess life will return to normal in a day or two.

It was a wonderful weekend away for us all, Stephen catching up with his friend and Genevieve and I fronting our stall. I sold 17 books so was happy with that and worked pretty solidly for the two days. I had offered 10-minute treatments which proved popular, particularly the mini readings and the chakra balance. Books and treatments were $20 each, but together only $30, and two books and a treatment only $45 so people made a saving, I got more books sold, and we both went away happy.

I realised I could not have done that on my own and my trusty Genevieve did a sterling job fronting the stall while I was otherwise occupied. When I was doing the treatments, I was giving my attention 100% to the client and with the chakra balance my back was turned away from the approaching people. It would have been distracting for both the clients and me, had I had to have interrupted the treatments to tend to a request and with my turned back I wouldn’t have seen people anyway.

On Sunday, I had decided I would do my last treatment at 11.10, giving me 10 minutes before my talk at 11.30. However, a man approached me at 11.17 wanting a chakra balance. ‘’Go on then,’’ I said ‘’get on the table, we’ve got time.’’ Stephen had arrived to cover that hour while I would be talking so Genevieve went ahead to the talk room, to welcome people. I was about two minutes from finishing the balance, when Willow came running to me, ‘’Nana, Nana, people are waiting.’’ I knew they would be but I also knew that I wouldn’t start the talk before 11.30 anyway. It was probably 11.29 and a half that I reached the room. Not the way I had intended it, but it was fine, none the less.

The talk went well and all my practise paid off. I remembered what I had wanted to say without too much fumbling, though I nearly lost my train at one point, when more people entered the room. I had imagined a stage, which I hadn’t wanted, but this was a small cosy room and perfect for the talk. I would estimate about 14 people were present. I was surprised that there were no questions after the talk but it gave me time to do the healing meditation with everyone, which I had been hoping to do. This particular one requires three timed minutes, one to receive a message, one to swim in the healing pools and the third to receive a gift with me talking between them, about 10 minutes in all. But in my haste to get there, I forgot to bring the clock!

I thought about counting my pulse (about 70 would be a minute) but I had told people to raise their hand if they wanted me to go in for them if they were unable to receive their message, so I abandoned that idea. Then I spied a man in front with a watch clearly showing the time. I watched that for a bit, waiting for it to change, then he moved his arm in front of his waist. I stopped watching at that point as beyond the watch was his crutch and I was scared he would open his eyes and think I was staring at that part of his body! I settled on the next best alternative and that was to guess the minute. I explained this at the end of the meditation, and they pointed behind me, there was a clock.

We went out to dinner both nights, both to Thai restaurants and then ate Turkish on the way home. Luckily, we had Stephen to do the driving as both Genevieve and I were tired. The motel at the camping ground had been perfect, with no other guests nearby, thus that part of it was quiet, though the hoons driving around noisily through the night were a bit of a pain. Traffic noise is not something we are used to, living up here.

I was so pleased that I had gone and I was pleased with the guidance that came through for me, particularly the mini readings. When one only has a little bit of time with a person, they want to hear something meaningful in that time.

Attending another event is certainly something I would consider, but of course, that would depend on their being room.


In one’s own bed


Everyone needs one