Emerging light

When I wrote that last blog on Friday, I was feeling snowed under. Yet now I am feeling way less burdened with some light actually at the end of the tunnel. We went to pick up the deep freeze to deliver it yesterday, but it was too heavy for Stephen and me to lift and when we phoned the woman receiving it, she realised it would be too big for the space she had in mind. So, just like that, one less job to do. And my neighbour next door, I have been cutting down my visits. I didn’t go Saturday and won’t today as home help is coming. That makes a huge difference to my time each day.

This morning, we went to town for our groceries, a job which has been hanging over us for more than a week. And on Friday, I finished spreading the last of the hay, so again, another job that I don’t have to think of how to fit into my day.

My son, Levi, and his wife, Rosie, and three kids came for lunch on Saturday. They brought with them a table, which they had bought for the chairs. Would we like it? As it was also round and slightly larger than the one we had, my answer was “yes please.” The beauty of this one is it is also extendable and for the first time in years, we all sat around the table with room to move. It made such a difference to our dining experience. It is amazing how many people have sat around that table in one sitting, but with more than four, it has always been a squash. It was so lovely on Saturday.

In town, I also bought a pair of walking shoes and jandals. All four of the pairs I had, had given way on me over the last few weeks. They are not flash, and probably won’t last long but they will see me right. This time, I shopped in the men’s section, as these shoes and jandals are always wider than the equivalent female versions. They fitted my wide feet perfectly. My next job, when I have finished here, is to chuck all the broken pairs of shoes away, including op shop sandals I bought, which are too big for my foot.

I watched a Buddha post the other day about the importance of getting rid of broken things for one’s well-being. It was a good reminder. And I must also go through the shoe box and turf anything that I don’t or won’t ever wear again.

Perhaps it is the full moon that has now passed us that was causing the overwhelming feeling of burden. I am so thankful that has now gone.

And I look forward to having time in my days for relaxation.



