New fence

Anyone who has read my book, The Collective Us, will know that new neighbours building a garage next door back in 2019 caused me angst. The reason for this was because the dwelling took away 60% of my sea view. The rest of the houses around, including mine, are in a nice row and had this garage been put in the same line, there wouldn't have been an issue.

I explained to the new owners that if they built in this spot, it would take most of my view. They didn't care and went ahead with their plans.

I don't know what happened to them but earlier this year, we saw this section was up for sale, the obstructing garage having never been lived in.

Lots of people came to view this piece of land with many of them stopping to chat. The overwhelming opinion of these people was that the garage had been built in the wrong place. Every one of them asked "why did they put that there?"

It seems a shame that people can come in, do something like that and then leave. We wished we'd had enough money to have bought the section when it first came up for sale, that way we could have put any dwelling where we wanted it. But we didn't.

I have got used to the reduced view now, but it took a long time and caused a feeling of loss and sadness for many months.

The section was eventually sold and in the last few weeks there has been movement with a lovely older couple working to make the garage liveable for their new home.

That brings me to the next issue. The placement of the garage means we stare straight into their garage door, with very little privacy between us.

The fence between us is long overdue for replacement and building a new one is something I have been meaning to do for a long time.

Michael, my son, is going to build it for us. Yesterday we stripped the rusty wire and staples away, dug up the posts and cleaned the fence line of intruding foliage. Hopefully tomorrow, the construction of the new fence will begin.

I am excited for the finished product, especially in respects to the garden. The plants get hammered with the wind, but having palings will at least give them shelter from the cold southerlies. We will still have the same view, but will have a whole lot more privacy. It can only be better for both of us.


Completed fence


Family visit