Completed fence

Our new fence is up. Michael is a super fast worker and has done a magnificent job. Stephen and I did what we could to help but our bodies are not what they used to be and I am sure he could have constructed it just as quickly without us.

Already the garden is looking better. I had to cut off so much foliage, even halving some of the plants, but now having a wall for shelter they should quickly spring back to their former state and better.

I'll be able to grow some nice climbers too. One of my favourites is a Kaka Beak and I already have one in a pot waiting to be planted out. I haven't had a lot of success with these over the years due to the snails but I will try and be more vigilant this time around. 

Back in June I took some cuttings from an old-fashioned highly-scented rose and will plant these in the gaps on this fence line. They should be beautiful once they reach the flowering stage. I had been wondering where I could put these.

It has been nice for the garden this year with all the extra rain. We have only had to water a couple of times. Most seasons we are doing this nightly from about November. I did hear on the radio that this year has been the wettest spring for Northland since 1943. The extra rain has certainly helped the rose cuttings and if it continues will help when I transplant them.

The previous owners of the section-next-door had placed an unsightly pile of stones in front of their garage. I had got used to looking at it but now the fence hides it. I hadn't realised how much that had affected me. We still have our seaview but now without the accompanying eyesore. Another benefit of the wall.

And of course, both our neighbours and us have privacy. We no longer stare into their garage door when we sit at the dining room table. Instead, we have a beautifully constructed fence which will soon be graced with exquisite pink roses. And instead of being annoying, the southerlies will bring in wafts of their heavenly smells.

I love my new fence.




New fence