
I had my workshop yesterday, which contained a lovely bunch of people of varying ages and nationalities. Amongst us was a German, an Italian and two French woman; 10 people in all. I know from previous happenings that it was not by chance that we 10 were in this workshop together. The first part of this event involved a role play, showing different lives and cultures that the main character, Angela, lived before her present incarnation. It was quite fitting that our group also contained different cultured people as we played this scene out. The point of the role play was to show that we have been many people from many places before we become the people we are today. And the issues that we had in those lives repeat in our current life until we heal them. Hopefully, when we do this, they will no longer repeat in any future incarnations.

We see so much unrest in the world today. If people were to only realise that they may have lived in the very country they are fighting with now, or been the type of person that they are unable to tolerate in this lifetime.

One of my strongest past life recollections is of being a North American Indian whose land was taken from our tribe. I brought the pain through into my current life. My parents sold our family farm when I was 13 and I missed that farm just as I had missed the land in the Indian life. In our country, there are many who are carrying generational grievances for land that was taken from their ancestors. But I ask the question. Who were these people in their previous lives? They may have been the very people who took that land in the first place or perhaps they are like me and had land taken from them in another life and are just repeating their own patterns. Carrying bitterness does not help anyone. Bitterness and unforgiveness does not solve anything. It is time for each of us in this world to forgive and to heal any grievances we may be holding. Healing the world starts in our own back yard. It starts with each of us healing ourselves.

I also taught a healing method in the workshop yesterday. I taught that so that each person could use that tool in the future, should anything arise that pushed their buttons or they discovered areas within themselves that needed healing.

This bunch of women were a lovely lot and already on their own healing paths. It would be lovely if others, who had not yet started their journey to wholeness, were to learn self-healing techniques as well. The method I taught yesterday may not suit everyone or every occasion but it is another tool to draw upon, should the right time arise and the fuller our tool boxes, the better.

The reason I titled this blog completion was because I have completed my first workshop. It is something I have had on my to-do list for several years but never quite got around to it.  

I give thanks to Ashleigh and Chiara for their prompting to bring this to fruition. The event was held at Ashleigh’s house and Chiara started with a Cacao ceremony that launched the workshop perfectly.

The other reason I called the blog completion was because I sat down with a file and fixed my food processor. I had melted the centre spindle in the microwave so that it would no longer take the blade, thus making it inoperable. I wrote about this incident in my ill-fated peanut brownie blog on November 24. It is a job I have been meaning to do for several days. That is now completed. Another thing to tick off on my list.


Voice recording

