Another successful weekend

It was my fourth Mind, Body, Soul expo and my third Whangarei one this weekend and by all accounts a success.

The first day I was flat out all morning, including presenting my 12.30 pm speech, with it quietening down about 2pm and only sporadic treatments after this. Sunday was the opposite, with not as busy a day, but with a steady stream of clients that didn’t let up until about quarter to five. I met some incredibly interesting people, gave an array of treatments and sold 10 books. So, I was happy with that.

An interesting thing that emerged this time, was people telling me they were drawn towards me, especially after walking around and seeing what was on offer. It felt people were tuning into themselves more than usual. That is how I work too. I see what is there, then find myself being drawn back to a particular person. Sometimes it might be one person and another time another person, but I have learnt to honour and trust what I am feeling on that particular day. Each of us there were offering different treatments and options and we all seemed to have our share of clients, with people being drawn to the perfect person for them. And that is what healing is all about. What might work well for us one day or year, might not the next. It is trusting that we will be guided for the perfect treatment at the time. Unlike other stall holders there, I didn’t have an appointment schedule; people just came to me when I was free. With treatments only being 10 minutes long, I felt the appointment system unnecessary as it was never long for anyone to wait. With Sunday being less busy, I was able to give people longer than the 10 minutes they paid for as well, which is something I wouldn’t have been able to do if I had a booking system in place.

When I entered the room to deliver my speech, there was only one person there, but the room soon filled with a few more people and more arrived during my talk. When it came to question time, I only had a couple, as has been the pattern of my other talks. I am not sure why this is. Had I talked people into a stupor? I did voice this thought, though people were quick to say they found the talk interesting. It is pleasing to see the interest and openness people have now towards this topic - how our past lives influence our present life. I summed up my speech by telling people that if they took nothing more away from my talk, if they could at least realise the importance of self-healing and forgiveness of others and themselves, that would be a great take away. Food for thought for some of them, I am sure.

My sadness in all of this was on Saturday night both Stephen and I were so tired, me from my treatments and he from helping his friend clear his section, that we went to bed early and missed the brilliant aurora display that night. At home here, we always have our curtains open and would have seen it. In Whangarei, we shut them before we went to bed and were down in a hollow anyway so I am unsure if we would have actually seen it anyway. A once in a lifetime opportunity and I missed it. I am so disappointed. I did see one once as a child, but I would have loved to have seen this one too. Anyway, that is life and I do trust that for whatever reason, I was not meant to see this one.  


Body unwell

