Another NDE

I watched another Near Death Experience yesterday before I went to sleep. It seems more information is being released to the world, allowing people to have a better understanding of what happens on the other side as well as what is important for us while still living.

The reason I am writing about this today is that I have said the same thing in both of my books and I feel it is a point worth reiterating, that our thoughts are important. They are not just private things that remain in our heads but have the potential to be devastating weapons to unsuspecting others. In this woman’s case on the clip yesterday, she was experiencing an encounter with God and was shown the positive and negative effects of her actions throughout her life, which some would call her life review. She knew she had done a number of ‘’bad’’ things but these were overlooked for what she thought were non-events. She was shown that when she had experienced negative thoughts to another, even if justified for the other’s poor actions, that these thoughts left a residue on both of them, and in the recipient’s case, caused the person to become more of whatever they had been. She repeated the fact that energy is never lost, it just changes form.

In my work as a healer over the years I have viewed many people remotely. I have seen the destruction of another’s thoughts to a person, particularly jealousy, which coats the recipient in a seaweed like substance, shutting that person down in the process. This is removable, and is something I have spent a lot of time doing during healings, removing the stuff that I know does not belong. However, according to this woman on yesterday’s U Tube item, forgiveness is a powerful tool to also remove these thought residues. I have been a great proponent of forgiveness myself and devoted a whole chapter in Who Is Me?. What I learnt yesterday, was that forgiving a person doesn’t just set oneself free, but sets the other person free at the same time and removes all that was accumulated during a negative encounter. So that makes the art of forgiving even more important. One needs to remember to forgive oneself in any such work, even if it is just for holding on to something, such as anger or resentment towards another person.

Something else this woman said was that there was no judgement of our actions from God, rather it is us who see our own actions and their ramifications towards another, something else I mentioned in my book.

The last thing worth noting from the clip was that this woman had the most criticism of her NDE from Christians. They challenged her account as she said she entered a place initially where the energies were dense and heavy. This woman justified this part of her experience by saying she didn’t actually die so when one does, it would be different. My question is, why do Christians think that they know everything? Christians do not believe in reincarnation yet I have experienced 31 of my former lives. And with everything I have read about NDEs there has never been any contradiction to anything that I have been shown myself, in fact completely the opposite, these experiences of ordinary people reinforce what I have already written about in my books. I think some of what is in the bible has been misinterpreted in translation over the years. I know God is non-judging, so why do the followers of Christianity judge? Who are they to hold that superiority? I thought the basis of Christianity was all about love. Love, forgiveness and acceptance. Perhaps some of these people, rather than thinking they are so holy, should think about what their negative thoughts of judgement are doing to another.




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