Writing group
Our writing group, in its wisdom, has decided to hold a theme gathering for our November meeting, the last time we share our work for the year.
There was much excitement when this idea was mooted, from everyone that is, except me. Somehow, dressing up doesn’t cut it in my world. In fact, many of the things that others find entertaining I am simply not interested in. Give me a desolate beach or a patch of bush any day. There, I am far happier. I sarcastically replied that I could go as a ‘stick in the mud’ – no need to dress up, I would appear just as I am. But the reality is, that sometimes I do feel exactly that. Others around me are getting excited about this happening or that and I am pleased that I don’t have to go. I know I will enjoy the November occasion though. I quickly put in my preference for a theme from those suggested, a Hawaiian one, as on my radar, that seemed easier than some of the others. I am banking on having a few hibiscus flowering that I can make my lei from and something for my hair. At the moment there are a couple of bushes obliging but really, it is too early for them as it wasn’t that long ago that I did the pruning. I was told later that I should have done that job in July and not October. I have some frangipani flowering too right now but not sure whether these will still be there next week.
Who says I don’t like dressing up? Just the thought of combining my favourite flowers is enough to get me excited!
The day comes with another catch. We have to write a Hawaiian-themed piece, under a thousand words, to read out, instead of our usual selection of readings.
I am not a fictional writer. I used to be, but in the last 20 years or so, the majority of my work has been non-fiction. However, even that challenge is proving surmountable as when I think back to my one and only visit to Hawaii, I realise, that even though it was just a short stopover, there is enough fodder in that visit to give me the bones of a story. There is no stipulation to minimum words, so I won’t fall short in that department.
The year seems to be closing in quickly. I have a warrant of fitness appointment due in the morning at 7.15, and a doctor’s appointment on Friday. On Sunday I am attending the Taipa Christmas market as a stall-holder but it looks like it will be minus my children’s story as printing is taking longer than anticipated. Tuesday is our dress-up day and then it will be December. Still Christmas presents to buy and our writing group Christmas dinner to slot in amongst everything else.
But right now, there is a Hawaiian story to write.