
We have finally organised a workshop, that is, with quite a bit of prompting from Ashleigh. The market day was yesterday and I was joined by Genevieve, Chiara, Ashleigh and my son’s dog. I had already had Willow to stay overnight and she took great delight in taking Riccardo to see the various stall holders, while the four of us shared turns manning the table. As I explained in the previous comments, I had one person buy my book. This occurred as I was unpacking the car. Judith was a former client and although she feared the print might be too small, bought the book anyway, because she said, I had been good to her. What a great example of karma.

I had another person pay me for a book she had bought some weeks back and a third ask if I still did readings. I had actually pondered doing these alongside selling my books, but in the end, decided not to. However, I was happy to oblige, and did a small one for this person. I also bought several items from other stall holders, so although not large in sales, the day was enjoyable.

But the biggest gain for me was Ashleigh’s insistence on holding a workshop. Because we weren’t busy selling books, we were able to plan the day as we sat watching the market-goers pass us by. Ashleigh offered her home as the venue, while Chiara said she would perform an opening Cacao ceremony. It was only last week that I had been thinking about it, but had thought the year was too advanced to plan for anything like that. People just get busier and busier as Christmas approaches and money does seem to be an issue for many these days. The price of food and petrol are so high, coupled with rising interest rates, which leaves little left over for luxuries. With these concerns in mind, we chose a midweek date for the workshop, December 1, and set the price for $45 for the day, with the hours of the workshop to suit mums with school age children, 9.30am to 2pm.

Until I have run one or two of these, I won’t really know what will work best but I do know the outcome that I would like participants to have at the end of it and that is that they recognise their own issues, have tools to address these and realise the importance of self-healing. A bonus would be that they actually heal one of their issues during the day. I also envisage a bit of role playing to show how our pasts influence our present and a couple of meditations. Whether we can fit everything into the day, remains to be seen, but as I said, after a couple of workshops, I will have a better idea.


Hitting home


Market day