Working on oneself

I wrote yesterday’s blog, but when it came time to post, I had my misgivings. Would I offend Dorothy if I posted it? I didn’t want to do that but I also wanted to be authentic in my writing. I asked Stephen for his advice and although he didn’t read my blog, he felt that I shouldn’t. I debated with myself for a while, then I had an idea, I would ring Dorothy and ask her myself. That way, if she was offended, I could change my writing, if not, it wouldn’t matter but either way, she would be forewarned that she was part of my next post.

I heard the surprise in her voice when I phoned, after all, it was only the day before when we had met. Our phone calls are not that frequent these days, although once they may have been. We made a bit of small talk then I got to the point.

‘’The reason I am ringing”

‘’Yes, I did wonder,’’ came back the reply before I even had time to finish my sentence.

‘’Would you be offended if I labelled you as unreliable?’’

Dorothy burst out laughing, reassuring me that ‘’no she would not’’. Then she went on to tell me that that was something she had really been working on recently.

Dorothy and I hadn’t had a lot of contact over the last few years, both with me being unwell and the Covid restrictions but when I thought back to the times I had had contact, she’d been super reliable.

So, she had changed, but my perception had not.

Doing work on ourselves is so powerful and changes do happen. I think back to the first time I met Dorothy. I was snowed under with negativity at that time. Imagine if her perception of me was still how it was when she first met me. But in saying that, regardless of what is going on externally or internally, our basic natures still shine out and it is that to which we are drawn to a person. None of us are perfect, we all have our faults and imperfections, but it is all these that make up the package of who we are. Imagine if everyone was the same, that wouldn’t work in the world. And on a spiritual level, I know we are drawn to certain people to experience different situations. I feel so blessed for all my friends who have come into my life and even the people who didn’t become friends, for each person has helped shape me into who I am today. And to all of you I give thanks.


New friends


Old friend