The tower

I get a lot of emails in my inbox, even after I have seemingly unsubscribed to them. These always start after I have expressed an interest in something or clicked onto a link in an existing email. Suddenly, I am part of a new emailing list. I generally just ignore these emails but occasionally I will open one and if it seems interesting or in the case of a reading, seems accurate, I might click on it more often.

I found one particular one, a moon reading, that seems to offer more accuracy than the traditional sun readings. Whilst I am a Cancer, my moon sign is Sagittarius. The last moon reading I opened, suggested the card I chose would give me insight for the month ahead. I pulled the tower. To anyone familiar with the tower card, it denotes destruction, or everything one knows coming crashing down. I remember having a reading shortly before I left my husband. The tower card came up then.

I have always sought readings during times of change in my life. I sense change, I always have. And I have been feeling like seeking a reader lately. As is often the case, I don’t know why I am doing this or feeling like this, I just know that I need guidance. I have used the 0900 readers in the past, for quick answers, but this time I feel that I need a one-to-one reading of an hour’s duration. I will have to see who does these locally.

Following on from this sense of unease or change that I am feeling and then pulling the tower card, I decided to do a six-week reading for myself. I have a great method where I use three or four different sets of cards and lay them out in a line. In one pack, the earthquake card came up at the five-week mark, while the tower appeared in the sixth week. I pulled another after the tower, which was harmony, the same card that appeared after the earthquake.

While talking to my clairvoyant friend yesterday, I asked what was ahead for me. She saw two words, foundations and boundaries, with a wave between the two. Was that a shaking of the foundations or a pushing of the boundaries?

Last night, I chose a meditation for answers and asked the same question I asked my friend. I got the message that I needed to be strong.

I can feel something ahead and all these reinforcements confirm that something quite major is coming up for me but as is often the case, I am not told what this will be. I have never minded the tower card as I see it as something positive. To me it denotes change more than any other card. And change is always good, I think. The tower is about being forced to start again as the status quo is destroyed. I don’t think I have ever regretted a single change in my life and believe me, it has been full of them.

I know timing is difficult with spiritual communication but with my cards I have been given, it places the earthquke/tower somewhere around the five-to-six-week mark which places the time around the end of March, beginning of April.

I can feel that change is about but I have no idea in what form this will take. No doubt, I will be able to share what this is, at some point in the future.


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