The cat

Continuing from previous blog.

I received a phone call that evening to say that the cat had escaped. I would now not get her until Monday, in four days’ time. Then about an hour later I received a further message. Blackie had been found and would be delivered that evening, or would I prefer to receive her in the morning? As I had an early healing appointment the next day, I decided to wait up and take her that night.

About 11.20pm I saw the headlights appearing through the window. Blackie had arrived. She came with two big bags of toys and food, her litter tray and self-feeder. One could tell she was stressed and after having a quick sniff through the house, promptly found a hiding place behind some mattresses. I tried to reassure her, set up her box, some food and water and let her be.

Stephen and I had already spent time during the day cleaning the old cat door and moving the outdoor furniture, so that the door could be used again. This one was originally microchip-activated but had been broken so that it would now open from both sides with just a little push. We boarded it up so that Blackie could get used to the house before we let her out.

About two hours later, we heard the sound of cats fighting. I was shocked to discover that the neighbour’s cat had ventured into our property and already found Blackie. Their duel was through the window. I was already worried about the dogs that pass through our section, but I hadn’t bargained on a cat that could use the cat door and torment Blackie in her new home.

I arrived late at my healing session the next morning and tried to explain that I had been up half the night with the cat and now I was worried about her, not just from the dog point of view, but that there was also another cat who could be an issue. Chiara stopped me right there.

‘’Let me tell you,’’ she said. ‘’I have been after a cat for four or five months. I have put it on my vision board.’’ She then went on to describe Blackie in detail, black, long haired, wide cheeks and told me this cat had come to her in meditation three times and was now not far away. She had been looking everywhere for it but had not found the cat that she had seen. She then asked me if this cat had white under its chin. I replied in the negative.

I had not seen Blackie myself in any of my future thoughts. As I explained in one of my previous blogs, I always see pictures of things coming up for me. I had never seen this cat in my mind. That set me thinking. Was Blackie really meant for Chiara and not me? Was I just the vessel to deliver this cat to its rightful new owner, where this cat had chosen it wanted to be?

Chiara agreed to visit the next morning just to see if Blackie really was the cat she had seen in her meditations. By now I had discovered that Blackie did have a small white patch under her chin, helping to confirm that it was Chiara’s cat.

I had a dilemma though. I had promised my dying friend that I would look after Blackie. When I had my last conversation with Gail, I asked if she would mind if I found someone who really, really wanted the cat and would love her just as much as she did, that I gave Blackie to this person. Gail said she would understand, but my last words were, ‘’I will look after your cat.’’ Why I even asked that question, I have no idea as I fully intended to look after her. Blackie was so like Paws, both in looks, temperament and nature. They even meowed the same. And I loved Paws, but I think part of me knew that this beautiful girl was not mine to keep.

I told Chiara that I would have to get the clearance from some of Gail’s friends before I could let her have the cat. I had Levi and his family staying for the night, but once they left, I went and visited three of Gail’s friends, telling them that I thought that the cat was not for me, rather for Chiara. They all shared my concerns with the roaming dogs and other cat.

So, I rang Chiara and confirmed the cat was hers. ‘’I had a Cacao ceremony yesterday and the cat was in the cup. I knew it,’’ Chiara said.

On Tuesday I delivered Blackie to her new home, which was similar to the one she had come from. I know she will be extremely happy there and I marvel at the synchronicities that brought Chiara and Blackie together. My healing session that morning had already been organised before I knew Gail was dying. Really, I had nothing wrong with me and had wondered why I had even booked it. I know now. Chiara showed me her vision boards and there were the cut outs of a black cat. Blackie was where she belonged.




