
Day five of my Keto diet today - supposedly. Yesterday was Stephen's birthday and I started out with the best of intentions. I had decided on a pizza lunch and whizzed together cauliflower and broccoli, adding almond flour, egg and cheese to make the perfect base for my low-carbohydrate eating.

The other pizzas were easy, I simply pulled the bases from the freezer, a thick, thin and gluten free one. My pizza only differed from the others in that I did not add pineapple or left-over kumara and pumpkin. I think the latter would have been okay for me but I actually couldn't tell the difference between the two so opted to have neither.

Now that would have been fine, had I stopped there. I had also included a cheese cake for lunch, using up the left-over cream cheese and condensed milk, having bought too much for Christmas.

The cheese cake was too tempting, so I cut a weeny slice, added an equally small amount of ice cream and two small bits of melon, for my dessert.

Fine, not too much damage done.

It was several hours later, after the visitors had gone, that my downfall occurred. The cheesecake remains, sitting in the fridge, were calling out to me. No, not calling, screaming.

I succumbed, with first one large slice, then a second, followed by a third.

I told myself, never mind, I could get right back on track the next day.

This morning I set out with the best intentions, once again. Sound familiar?

Well, the outcome was too.

I'm not normally one to have breakfast, but as I was expecting back-to-back clients later, decided to have a slice of my keto pizza. I sat down for lunch at 1.30 and had a second slice. That was good for a while, but after half an hour or so, I heard that cheese cake calling again. So much for getting back on track today. I finished it off.

There is none left for tomorrow, so no excuse for veering off track. I actually need to go to town and shop for keto-specific foods so that I have more variety as I don't want to give myself another reason to err on my eating. The hardest part of any diet is those first few days. If I'd not succumbed yesterday, I would be well on my way towards this cleaner way of eating.

However, I have taken myself right back to square one again. Self-sabotage? What was my motto for this year? Choose your hards wisely. It is hard to resist cheesecake and it is hard to start a diet. Did I choose this hard wisely? NO. 

Tomorrow is a new day.


House flies

