Saying yes

I received a message on Thursday asking for a healing session, perhaps by phone, as the person requesting it was only here until today. I was feeling tired, almost burnt out, from the effort of painting the garage and various other things we had on the go. However, I decided I could fit in a session on Friday and offered two times, with the afternoon one being accepted. That gave me time to catch up on housework in the morning and write my blog, which although satisfying, only added to my tiredness.

I liked the woman who appeared, and the man who accompanied her. I was pleasantly surprised to be handed a book to read, one this woman had written. I invited the couple in for a cuppa after the session, and started reading her book after they had left. I soon discovered she had trained under two of the most prominent healers I had heard about, Barbara Ann Brennan and Louise Hay and was herself, along with her deceased husband, a healer - one who had taught, practised and held workshops, world-wide. But that was not her biggest claim to fame. This woman had once been a famous actress and model, giving up that lifestyle in her quest for spiritual fulfilment.

I felt honoured that I had met this woman and had had an opportunity to work with her. I could have so easily turned down the request for a healing. The meeting reminds me of words James Redfield wrote in his book The Celestine Prophecy, how each person we encounter has a message for us. All we need to do is to make the effort to talk with that person, especially someone who might show up in our lives randomly, more than once. I have already written in a previous blog how I have regretted not getting to know some people more before they passed over, especially when I have discovered interesting things about their lives after they have died.

I have always hidden my spiritual side tightly away, for fear of judgement from others. It is really only now that I am being more open about who I really am. Imagine all the missed opportunities of conversations and the like over the years, where I could have found others who had this side of themselves too.

It is refreshing meeting someone who is so open with their spirituality and who has achieved recognition through their work. I do believe we each have our own contribution to the greater pool of knowledge, that we each have our own journeys and our own way of imparting that knowledge we have to share. I know I still block others from hearing my words. It is something I am working on. Perhaps meeting this woman is showing me that really, there is nothing to be afraid of.


Pelvic health


Party games