RIP Fluffy

Daniel’s daughter, Willow, is six now and last September, she and Genevieve returned to New Zealand from France. It is wonderful having them back here.

Genevieve bought Willow a beautiful rabbit with long, floppy ears, for Christmas. Stephen and I were lucky enough to have both Willow and her rabbit to stay a couple of times while her mother travelled away. I fell in love with the little creature. As I held Fluffy, I felt something melting in my heart and a joy that I had not felt for ages. That rabbit was able to do something for me that nothing had been able to do since Daniel’s passing, five years ago. I know Willow loved her little Fluffy too.

A fantail flew into our house a couple of days ago. It was comfortable, stayed for a bit, then flew back out the way it had entered. At Daniel’s funeral, a fantail flew into the marquee and stayed for much of the service. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that that fantail was Daniel.

I received a distraught phone call from Genevieve last night. Fluffy had been run over and was dead. Genevieve had been away for the weekend and Willow had been staying with her poppa.

I see so much loss in this little girl’s life. Willow was 14 months old when her father died. She attaches herself to one set of grandparents, one country, then she is back with the other as she alternates between the two countries. There have been so many goodbyes and now it is to her precious rabbit. It seems so cruel, but I know on a spiritual level, that everything is in order and as it should be. I wonder what the lesson is here. Perhaps Fluffy was there to mend our broken hearts; if so he succeeded beautifully. I am so thankful that he became part of my life and although there will be much sadness for Willow, I hope that one day, she too will look back and also be grateful for the love he generated. RIP Fluffy.


Mind, Body, Spirit

