Reality in our dreams and allergies

I don’t remember many of my dreams, unlike some people who recite vivid accounts of their nightly exploits. Often my ones are on the tip of my recollection, almost there but not quite, then occasionally I do recall my dreams in their entirety.

Last night I woke to a coughing fit, that very annoying period where the lungs just want to cough and cough, an itch that just won’t go away. I have felt it coming for a day or two now, with yesterday morning having a coughing spell when I woke up. I knew it would have to break at some point, though even with last night, it hasn’t done so yet. I got up for some water, which helped for a minute or two but had to get up again for my water bottle. My mouth was filling with fluid as my sinuses drained continually, so I took plenty of tissues with me too.

But somehow, the coughing became part of my dream, intertwining with whatever was going on. Each time I woke coughing, I would realise it was part of the dream, but within seconds, that recollection faded and I would be unsure of what the dream was about. This went on for quite a while, before I eventually woke up properly and went and got the water and some cough medicine I had in the cupboard.

I have a lot of ordered dreams that create patterns, which seem to repeat and repeat, almost like some kind of teaching. That same thing was going on last night. I have talked before about this, but when I was a child, I always had the same dream when I was sick. Once again, not easily recalled, but there was always humming and a series of lines, again, trying to make a semblance of order. Sometimes I would have the dream first and realise I was sick after having the dream. But I always had it when I was unwell. Perhaps last night was a version of the same dream.

I am suspecting a pile of Stephen’s coats as the culprit to the coughing. He brought them into the bedroom after having the carpet cleaned on Thursday. My cough feels allergic in nature, similar to one I used to get when sweeping a certain breed of sheep’s wool away when I was rousing. It was only that breed, no others, that I used to react to and if we were in a shed for any length of time, I would get quite sick and need medication to get well again. Generally, these coats sit in the sitting room, as we really have no other place for them. I am starting to think that perhaps they have played a part in my perpetual sinus problem that doesn’t seem to clear up. They are slightly further away from me there, but still in my presence.

One of my grand daughters suffers from allergies, mainly cat and dust, and one of my sons has just started getting blisters on his eye when working in dusty places.

I always feel that allergies are a sign of weakened immunity and should be an indicator to examine our eating and lifestyle habits. Plus, I won’t be sorry to see those coats moved down to the garage. Hoping that will help.


To the tip


The flow