
Today is a new day. The sun is shining, birds are singing and the neighbour’s dogs are on their morning rounds. I feel energised to do something today, but as yet, not sure exactly what that is. A friend has said she will be visiting sometime this weekend and will be in touch this morning with more details, so until then, I will leave my planning. It feels like weeks since I actually felt like doing something, what with the wet weather and illness, but today, the sunshine is positively beckoning one to step outside. It seems weeks since I visited my favourite beaches and even longer since I ventured further afield. There are any number of places where a visit would bring joy today. I know I have felt like this at other times only for the sun to cloud over later in the morning, but so far so good.

It is only a few days until the shortest day. We get less and less sun in and around the house as this day approaches, but then one knows that each day is lengthening after this and it is a good feeling as the warmer weather approaches and the sunshine lingers longer. I bought three hyacinth bulbs a couple of months ago, popped them in my fridge and then forgot about them, but I really must put them in the garden. The bulbs will well and truly believe they have had a tough winter, being in the fridge for so long.

Earlier in the week, I planted some more vegetable seedlings and spread seaweed around them, only half finishing the job. On Sunday, when Levi and his family were here, a massive amount of seaweed washed up on the beach. I was delegated the job of looking after the baby and was thankful for that as I doubt I would have been any good trying to load the trailers as I was still feeling so unwell. All the work was done for me, spearheaded by Levi and helped along by Genevieve who had arrived to pick up Willow, and Stephen and the oldest two grandkids. So, whilst I spread the seaweed around the freshly planted seedlings earlier in the week, another layer is required for the older plants. Perhaps that is a job I can do today too. Plus, I bought another stock plant and a parsley as all my previous ones went to seed so if I don’t make it further afield today, I know there are always chores waiting for me here. And I haven’t attempted to plant the four cabbage trees I bought at the King’s Birthday market yet because I know it will be extremely difficult digging their holes. I always justify the delay in planting, telling myself that the young trees need time to acclimatise. Really, it is me needing time to psyche myself up for the digging.

It is weeks since I have been to either of the Saturday morning markets and that is another possibility this morning. I always enjoy these and think we are pretty spoilt with the selection of goods on offer. The bread at the Kaitaia one is divine, for example, and with me not being too strictly on keto at the moment I could easily see myself enjoying a slice or two of one of the loaves.

Seems this is just one big ramble. Perhaps I will be able to write about what I did today in tomorrow’s blog. Until then, au revoir.



