Public talk

I have been asked if I would like to speak in the wisdom tent at next year’s Joyfest, introducing people to a topic of my choice. I needed no hesitation in saying yes. Joyfest is a family-friendly event combining health, well-being and conscious living, to be held at the end of January in the Doubtless Bay region. I attended one other three years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed the event even though I was unwell at the time.

I need to produce a topic and a short paragraph detailing my intended content before the middle of next week and also enclose a photo of myself for promotional purposes. I already know what I will speak about and that will be: How our pasts influence our current life and the importance of self-healing.

I spent a bit of time this morning working on the short paragraph to accompany this and here is what I came up with: We have all the characteristics of every person we have lived before, their strengths, weaknesses, hopes, desires and unresolved issues. These people are our guides, helping us through our lives and ensuring we get the experiences we need for the evolvement of our souls. Patterns that occurred in our former lives become patterns in our current life, giving us plenty of opportunities for the healing and forgiveness that will set us all free. I will talk about my 31 previous lives and show how these have influenced my current life and how important it is for each of us to do our own healing.

This topic is pretty much the thrust of my upcoming workshop as well although with that I will include healing techniques so that people can carry out their own healing in their homes.

It was only a year or so ago that I was questioning my way forwards after finishing my massage. I talk about the message I received in The Collective Us regarding this. Spirit showed me a car flying along the road then the driver jamming on the brakes. The momentum meant that the car travelled for some distance before it came to a standstill. And the message I got with this image was that I had to completely stop the massage before the way forward would be shown to me.

I feel I am moving again and my journey now will include public talks and workshops, basically sharing the knowledge I have gained with all my self-healing.  Many, many times I have been given the message from spirit that my soul purpose is to write so that others may understand. I am convinced this is why I have been given all the past life information. After all, how could I write about something unless I understood it myself. Looking back over the last couple of years I see I have been quietly preparing for this. I have talked at my two book launches and also gave a speech at my son’s wedding. When I was in Standard one and two (eight and nine years old) they held speech competitions at my primary school and both years I got into the final, having to speak to a hall full of adults. I literally used to shake with fear, my body trembling as I spoke. I have not done any public speaking since but it just shows that no experience in life is wasted. If someone had told me back then that I would use that skill again one day, I would have been mortified but looking back I can see the value of that experience as an eight and nine-year old. There was also public reading. I didn’t ever win the competitions but I am now extremely grateful that I took part.



