
For some reason, I'm feeling a need to share a post I saw on Facebook recently. I have no idea where this blog is going, only that this memory keeps popping up. I hope that when I have finished writing this, I will be clearer about why I am getting prompted to share this, but maybe not. Perhaps the only reason is to make somebody else's day, as it made mine, when I read it.

Someone had posted a question on Facebook asking what they could do to appease their angry wife; that was when they had made her really angry. I'm not sure if the person was serious with their question, but most of the responses were serious, suggesting flowers, cooking her a nice meal, saying sorry, doing things for her. But my favourite, that set me off, was a chap who suggested getting the vacuum cleaner, handing it to her and telling her she'd missed a spot. I couldn't stop laughing at this man's brilliant sense of humour. It really appealed to the mischief part of me. I could just envision the response if anyone was stupid enough to say such a thing. They'd either have to be a mighty fast runner or be holding some kind of death wish. Because believe me, the results would be catastrophic.

But this man wasn't serious, he was just displaying a wicked sense of humour. And that was what I loved about his response to the post. It reminded me that life doesn't have to be so serious all the time. A bit of humour can ease the tension in many situations. It is just a shame that we don't think of such responses at the appropriates times, though as I said, his response would certainly not placate an angry woman, but retelling the story in the future would illicit many laughs should anyone have been dumb enough to have ever said such a thing.

"Yeh, grandson, that is how I got the scar above my right eye. I just made your grandmother really, really angry. Don't know why she reacted like she did. I was only trying to help. Remember boy, when they get angry, just go for a long walk till they've calmed down. Don’t try and offer any advice." Or some such yarn.

But on a more serious note, it is good to read humorous comments. There is more and more vitriol being directed at various individuals on these Facebook pages, that just leave a negative feeling inside, once having read them. Negativity is contagious, but so is positivity. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone stopped the posts where they are venting their anger, rather, shared the things that brought them joy, or better still, be like the vacuum cleaner man and lighten some of these posts up. I don’t know who you were or which part of the world you were from, but you definitely lightened my day. Thank you.



