Physical Ailment

Physical ailment 31.5.22

I had to go to the doctor’s yesterday, the first time since August 2020. That’s not to say I haven’t been unwell since then; it is just that I only visit a doctor if I feel they can help me. I needed antibiotics and here in New Zealand, the only way to get these, is through a GP clinic. I only saw the doctor three or four times during the two-year bout of pericarditis. Initially I took medication for it, but as this wasn’t really helping, I stopped taking the pills, allowing nature to run its course. The pericarditis eventually did clear up, which I credit to adding hydrogen peroxide to our tank water to purify it. This was the only change to my eating and living that was made and after the addition of the hydrogen peroxide, my health finally started to pick up. I feel I must have had a bug in my body, that responded to the purifier in our drinking water.

When I got Covid, I actually got quite sick, but decided there was nothing a doctor could do to make me any better, so I didn’t bother to see one.

That has generally been my philosophy through my life, only visiting a doctor when it is absolutely necessary.

I also have an aversion to taking pills, other than antibiotics and that’s despite the fact that I am a nurse. Early results yesterday, showed my cholesterol levels were too high, with a highlighted area in red – needs statins. I have refused these in the past, preferring to alter my diet and lose weight. I was on the keto diet all of last year but unfortunately slipped off that while I had Covid, and didn’t resume it until a fortnight ago, eating massive amounts of carbohydrates in between. I wished I had tested my cholesterol levels back while I was on keto, as I feel this latest binge-eating has adversely affected these results.

A specialist put me on oestrogen once. She thought it might help with a recurring pelvic issue I had. I fought this decision in my head, stressed the hell about it, and questioned why I would want to bring extra oestrogen into my system after having already gone through menopause with virtually no symptoms. I took the medication a couple of times, realised it was something I definitely didn’t want and then nervously plucked up the courage to tell her at my next consultation. ``That’s okay,’’ she said, matter-of-factly. Just like that. I was so thankful I had listened to my own gut and not gone along with her. This drug wasn’t necessary at all.

I attended a day-long workshop once with a facilitator who had studied various healing methods around the world and put together his own treatment plan. He believed that illnesses were caused by unexpressed emotions. There were about 20 of us in this group and he asked us all to think of one ailment that was recurring for each of us. I was surprised that we all came up with something, without any effort. He then asked us to work out how much this ailment had cost us over the years. That was an eyeopener, as many, if not all of us, had paid several thousand dollars. He then got us to look more deeply at this ailment and work out how this made us feel each time we had it. This was followed by exercises to express these emotions.

My trip to the doctor’s yesterday, was for that same condition that I addressed back at that workshop 10 years ago. It has dogged me, pretty much my whole adult life, and no amount of ``working on myself’’ has been able to shift it. The only cure has been antibiotics. It is only in recent months, that I have begun to associate my condition with my sugar binges and it is perhaps these that I need to find the root cause of, rather than the condition itself.

That is food for thought, as I would love this latest occurrence to be the last. I am convinced that I hold the key to my own wellness and so it is something that I shall delve more deeply into.

Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that other people disregard their doctor’s advice or stop any medication provided by their doctor; this blog has only highlighted my own experiences. Also, our water supply is tank water and the hydrogen peroxide was added to purify this and not something that others should add to their own water unless specifically advised to by professionals.



