Out of sync

A few days ago, I outlined my plans for the week. These included grocery shopping, getting my hair cut, having a massage, training with Chiara, attending the writing group and possibly planting the cabbages trees. I achieved all of these goals except for the planting, so why might one ask, would I title this blog out of sync when everything appears to be exactly as it should? The answer is simple – the weather.

Each of the days this week was beautiful, a sharp contrast to the winter we have already had, which for many of us, is already a normal year’s total rainfall. But today, when my plans were to have a good long walk, it is pouring with rain, once again. Yesterday was beautiful but spent indoors, firstly with the writing group, then visiting Genevieve, who put on a delicious lunch for us. I was too tired after all of this to do anything, but decided today would be the day when I resume my walking, in that beautiful weather. My body is sorely lacking sunshine and exercise. As much as I have been feeling so much better than I have been, I have still needed to pace myself. On an ordinary day, I start with a walk, but on the days of town or anything else, I save my energy for that task, thus this week, there has been no walking and no sunshine.

Hearing we are not the only ones to have had so much rain this year is not surprising, though I could think of a lot worse places to be when the weather is like this. I have mentioned before how much I welcome the rain up here because the conditions are usually erring towards draught, though, this year, I must admit, that even I am tiring of the constant wet weather. I am not sure if sand can become water logged, but I am sure my plants have certainly had their fill.

Another chore I have been meaning to do is to plants my seeds. This really needs to happen, because our planting time is so much earlier than down country. If we leave things too late, then it becomes too dry and the garden too full of pests…ordinarily. The weather forecasters have predicted a change in our weather patterns, from either an El Nino to a La Nina or the other way around, I get these two mixed up. But whichever it is, it is supposed to bring us finer, yet colder weather. More of a winter, they say.

Another misgiving, is the fact I have caught up to date with Master Chef Australia. I have been watching two or three episodes a day but now that I am up to date, I will have to wait, like everyone else, for the next episode. Today would have been the perfect day to lie on the couch and watch this show. There are not many programmes that I like, but when I find a good one, I enjoy viewing all the episodes. Another favourite is Married at First Sight. I love watching how people react to situations, often blaming another when all the time, it is clear to me, that this is their stuff. ‘’Just do your work on that issue,’’ I advise from my sitting room. It is interesting that Stephen likes neither of these shows. He would much rather watch a car programme or something similar, and when I am watching one of mine, he disappears.

Perhaps today would be the perfect day to search Netflix and find a brand new series that we both enjoy.


Good karma

