My First Past Life Experience

An excerpt from my book "‘Who is Me?’

My first past life experience: Page 40,

On my first visit (to a spiritual development group) there was an empty chair once the others took their places in a circle around the table. Apparently other people had said they might attend, but I was the only one to do so. That chair was definitely meant for me. 

As became the norm, we held hands and asked for protection before continuing the session. Our first meditation each week would be a healing one. We were given an item such as a paintbrush and told to heal wherever in the world we thought necessary. Sometimes we would consciously think of a place; at other times we were led somewhere. When everyone had come out of meditation, we shared our experiences. 

In my very first meditation I was told to take a broom for the healing. I closed my eyes and went in. Suddenly I was aware I was in a South American jungle watching two children playing on a dirt-floored clearing through the trees. I knew emphatically where I was and was amazed I had got there with such ease. I hadn’t expected I would get anything on my first attempt. I watched the children for a while and then swept my broom around them and their enclosure, giving healing as I did so. I came back to the room and waited until the others were out of meditation. We had all had totally different experiences.

The evening wore on, and my friend and I were bubbling with excitement on our drive home.

I had a lot of questions. How did I know so definitely I was in the South American jungle? Why had I gone to these two children? Was this real? 

The meditations became the highlight of my week, and l looked forward to Tuesdays when we were taken to often exotic, faraway, or mythical places.

After about ten weeks the group wound up. I was still questioning the validity of some of the places I went to. It wasn’t until several years later that I realised how real those meditations had been. That very first meditation had actually taken me to one of my previous lives, and without knowing it, I had probably had my first past-life encounter. 

In that South American life, I was male and had five children, the same five I have in this life. I had been killed by a man jealous of what I had. When I died, my oldest three boys were old enough to take care of themselves, but the younger two were not and had probably died.

I had carried huge guilt through to this life that I had left them unable to fend for themselves. That meditation was obviously the first opportunity I had to visit the children I had left behind. 

I have found many times that there appear to be parallels between our other lives and our current one, and sometimes they appear to be happening simultaneously.

In this case I was able to rectify rather than repeat a pattern.


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