My day

Today is my day. After pushing myself through every step of yesterday, I decided that today I would do just as I pleased, staying in bed for as long as I wanted, and turfing my routines out the door. But strangely, I found myself rising at the usual time, and while I didn’t head down to the beach for my walk, I did some pruning and weeding instead, which would have used up just as much energy as the walk would have. And here I am now, back at the computer, writing my blog.

I don’t know what yesterday was about, but the whole day I battled tiredness. We had Willow staying with us and while I did do one of my beckoning chores, pulling out the couch and a dresser to dust and vacuum behind, I did little else until the afternoon when I took Willow into Taipa to meet her mum and where I had a stall at the market. Even that was an effort. Fortunately, there was a couch by my table for me to sit on. I didn’t make any sales but I did catch up with a few friends. The tiredness remained.

Exhausted, I fell into bed about 9pm and would have been asleep in less than a minute. It was just before then that I decided to have this perfectly free day today, doing just as I pleased. It’s funny, even without the restrictions we place on ourselves, we tend to be creatures of habit, doing pretty much the same things each day, regardless of whether we have given ourselves the day off, as I had done.

But that leads to another point. Should one even be strict with oneself. I am writing here, now, because I want to, not because I feel I should or must but in the same token, I feel it is a good discipline, to keep my hand in my writing. The weeding and pruning were chores that needed doing and as I had the energy and the day was overcast, I decided to do them. One of the people I saw at the market yesterday was my former yoga teacher. I did that for a whole year back in 2015. Then I broke my ankle, and later met Stephen, and many Fridays were spent commuting to Auckland. Then I stopped. I didn’t have any back issues that whole year I practised yoga and my flexibility was as good as a 20-year-old. Perhaps that is a discipline I need to resume.

I am certainly pleased to have woken today feeling better than yesterday, as I did wonder if I was coming down with something. Perhaps my immunity was fighting a bug. I know people have Covid in the area. I have had that, so I don’t want it again.

My mind is semi-distracted now as I think about what to do next. So much for my self-imposed day off. But at least, today, I don’t have to go anywhere in the car. Perhaps, that is what I need the rest from.




Medical report