More sunshine

Stephen and I were off the Peninsula yesterday and only returned about 4pm. I had suddenly felt unwell about 1pm as I was eating lunch and so on our return, I took myself to bed. I haven’t been able to do too much this morning and what would normally be my chore time, was instead spent lying down. Usually, I follow this with writing my blog, but didn’t feel up to sitting this morning.

Half-an-hour ago, I decided to spend a little time on the outdoor furniture and as I was lying there, I received a call from our neighbour. ‘’How are you liking the sunshine?’’

‘’Great,’’ I replied, informing him that the vege plants now got sun in the afternoon.

‘’No, the other tree,’’ he said, pointing to the one in the opposite direction. While we had been away yesterday, that tree had been cut at its base and completely removed. Because I hadn’t done my usual chores, folding washing, then my writing, I hadn’t even noticed it was no longer there.  But wow, what a difference that makes, even to the bathroom that now has full sun shining in on it. Initially I had my treatment room in this bedroom and I was saddened as less and less sun reached it as that tree grew. Now it will make a warm spare-bedroom and writing-room once again. I cannot believe, that of all days, after the tree was chopped, that I hadn’t been in to this room as I usually do and noticed it.

So, my issue of obstructed sunshine is definitely a thing of the past. My son had added a ranch-slider and double-doors to the house some years ago and that immediately improved the sun content. The only problem had been this tree which was getting progressively bigger, taking more and more sunshine as it grew. I feel so blessed to have this warmth coming into the house, along with the heat pump, which was installed last year. I can definitely see another few years in this house. The last owner was here for 20 years and there have been many improvements since he was here, but some houses seem to keep people for ages, while others spit them out fairly regularly. I think this one is a keeper and I look forward to many more sun-filled hours here.



