More chores and meerkats

Today the car goes into the garage for a service and a warrant. Yesterday it rained all day so I am grateful for the finer day today, although Stephen will bring his car and pick me up so I won’t have to walk anywhere while the car is being attended to. But still, it is not pleasant being out when it is raining heavily. Glad the booking was for today. And having just written this, another heavy shower has just flown by. I am pleased I vacuumed the car during that fine spell. Looking out now, it is bright blue sky once again.

The forecast says we could get a bit more rain tomorrow and that is the day my friend and I are having a stall at the market. We will be inside, but still, if it is wet, there are often less buyers.

I have mentioned before how much I like the rain at this time of year. We seem to have had so much more than previous years and I know the garden will be loving it. We never know when the last shower will happen as often there is very little rain through the summer months. But as of this last bout of rain, the tank is full. That is fantastic for nearly December.

I couldn’t help myself, both Saturday and Monday, and bought two more plants for the garden. Well, Genevieve bought one of them for me when she saw how much I loved it – that was a cactus, with the most stunning red flowers. I hadn’t realised it had prickles on it until putting it in the car, but I have found an out-of-the-way place for it on the deck, hopefully where grandchildren will not get too close. The other, was a red kaka beak, one of my favourite plants, but one I never seem to have much luck growing. I have already tried planting one here and had them when I lived in New Plymouth. But it seems that the snails like them too. So that is another chore to do, plant the kaka beak and this time, keep up the snail watch.

And changing the subject completely, the scene that greeted me on my computer this morning was one of a family of meerkats…I think. They were lying together, but two were staring straight at the camera, a third was peeping out from under these two and another was pointed in the other direction, though his eye was most likely keeping a tab on what was happening around him. There may have even been another one. A thought struck me about how this little family was being broadcast around the world. I, watching my computer, was thinking about them and how cute they were. Photographs have a remarkable ability to catch these moments in time. When we view them, we recall memories of particular places or people or events. I have already talked about the power of thought. When I am looking at these meerkats it made me wonder, does an image of a woman come into their head as I am doing this. Do they have any concept at all about the ramifications of that moment their picture was taken. The photo evokes feelings of cuteness. Are these animals feeling that each time we view their photo? I know many people will think I am crazy for these thoughts, but the more I discover about how powerful our thoughts are, the more I wonder about things like this.

There is so much research being carried out in the area of quantum physics. I guess my questions will be answered one day.


Ill-fated peanut brownies


Monday morning shop