Kindred spirit

Years ago, a friend brought a backpacker to my house, thinking that this new person was someone I needed to meet. Anna was from Denmark and a few years younger than me. We spent the first evening exchanging healings and when I asked spirit what I should do with her, spirit answered by telling me that I should heal on her, any part of myself that needed healing. (Who Is Me? page 90). I found this strange at the time, but set about healing her lower back, as this was an area I was having trouble with, on myself. A few meditations later, we ascertained that we had shared the life together when I had been Jill, a writer and a healer. We had both been condemned to death via burning at the stake. She had gone before me, dying in grace, while I had faced my punishment with bitterness and anger. As I watched her final moments, where she faced her demise with such courage and love, I realised the reason we had been brought back together in our current life was so that I could let go of my lingering resentment, and forgive all those involved in my death. This realisation was a hugely cathartic moment for me.

I was thinking about that meeting this morning. Chiara had returned for more healing and spiritual tuition after a two-month break. I had carefully chosen a healing technique for today, one that I knew would be perfect for me. Many of my own techniques I have perfected over the years, using them on many of my clients, but I have not actually had them performed on me. This particular one this morning was a good all-purpose healing method that Barbara Ann Brennan had set out in her book, Hands of Light. It was one of the first healings I learnt to do and would use it on many of my clients in my early healing-days. After I completed my massage training and learnt both Acupressure and Polarity, I had a much wider variety of treatments available and thus this one became less frequently used. However, as I thought about today’s session, something was prompting me to teach Chiara this method. Generally, I show Chiara something new, do it on her, then she does it on me. Even though no one had healed me in this way, a part of me knew that this was something that I needed today and I knew it would be a good healing technique for Chiara to have in her toolbox. A win-win for us both.

I realised today that I am in a unique position in that I can request from Chiara in the future, exactly what I need. So many times, with my visits to other healers over the years, I have been at their mercy. Sometime I have been drawn to a particular healer, at other times, another, but rarely have I been able to say, I need this, can you do it for me? One thing I learnt during my massage training was the importance of receiving treatments. This enables one to know exactly how that particular technique feels and makes it easier when choosing a treatment to use on a client. Even though much of what I performed on others was self-taught and thus not experienced by me from another, I did observe how it affected my clients and knew whether it was a good choice at the time.

Of course, I will continue teaching Chiara plenty of other techniques and ones that I might not need on that particular day but it is certainly nice receiving a treatment after I have taught something new, regardless of what it is.

I don’t know why I felt so strongly that I needed this particular treatment today and thus felt the need to teach it to Chiara. As I say, it reminded me of the time when Anna had visited me and Spirit had told me to heal on her, the part of me I wanted healed on myself. Perhaps, while I am performing it on Chiara, I am getting healed in the same place at the same time, which would mean, with her exchange, I have received a double dose. How wonderful.


More gardening planned


Snakes and ladders