Here we go again

This one was not quite the same, in that the resolution was relatively easy. I am talking about the transition to free Netflix from my broadband provider. It all looked simple enough and I followed the prompts, but kept getting asked for my credit card details to complete the process. I figured that if these were given, then I would be charged accordingly for the ‘’free package’’ I was trying to access.

So, Stephen and I went without Netflix last night and I decided to tackle the problem, if it still existed, this morning. I had received another email from my provider yesterday evening telling me ‘’well done, you are now activated’’, except I wasn’t. I kept getting asked for my credit card details, to complete the process.

I scrolled through and found a contact for Netflix. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to speak to someone, rather to message. I am of the generation where talking to a person is the best way for me to resolve anything, usually. I add usually here because that never worked with my former provider as I was shunted from person to person and was never able to solve the problem. That is why I changed providers. Anyway, I decided to give this messaging a go and typed in my concerns. The wait time, I was told was three minutes. Well, I wasn’t actually told, but messaged. After about five minutes, I saw that the wait time had been changed to four minutes. After about eight minutes, a very nice young man came on – and that too is only an assumption because remember, we are messaging. But he was optimistic and told me he could easily fix my problem. Several message back and forth and it transpired that my email had been typed in incorrectly, that was why Netflix was not recognising me as a free customer. Again, that was easily fixed, I went back into Netflix, only to get the same message about completing the process, so I signed out and re-signed in and voila, there we were.

I don’t know whether it was me who typed the email incorrectly or someone else but it did create rather a familiar pattern for me, that is, that anything via a computer is never simple. I get so frustrated with things like that and I know many of my friends do too. Young people seem to fly through electronic problems, but I never do.

The nice young man did ask whether I had anymore concerns before he let me go and I did want to ask who typed the email incorrectly but decided that just the mere fact of asking another question could turn into a further complication, so I said no thanks, let him go and completed the customer survey, giving him a good review in the process.

Even though it started badly, it is promising to know that concerns can be dealt with relatively easily with this company and I look forward to watching some good Netflix content.


New baby


They don’t make em like they used to