Getting closer

It is time to start thinking about the book launch. Though my book is still not printed or delivered, it has reached the final stages in the printing process, as I have approved the text for publication and joined the printing queue. I am not sure how long this will take but I do know the delivery will add a further four or five days to the wait. So, at this point, I am thinking early September for the book launch as I’m sure I’ll have copies of The Collective Us in my hand by that date. Maybe I could even have it sooner.

This is a far cry from the publication of Who Is Me? where it took me four years to have the launch after the book was printed. I still had so much fear at that stage of having my book in the public domain. This time is different. I am looking forward to the book launch and to promoting my material. I know that I will have to be `out there’ this time around if I actually want to sell any copies of it.

It has been an interesting weekend. Two of my spiritual friends both made contact with me, one on Friday, the other today, one living down country and the other in Australia. Both had been given copies of Who Is Me? a couple of years ago and both had been unable to read it at that time with both making contact this weekend to say they are nearly finished it and are enjoying it. It is like some barrier has been lifted, allowing these people to go ahead and read the book. Quite possibly, I have been the one to have placed those barriers there in the first place.

It is an exciting time now for the spiritual people like me. More and more groups are springing up where people can join and share ideas and events with other like-minded individuals. I envisage listing my book on some of these sites and listing my book launch on the local one, in case there is anyone interested who might like to attend. I have always been afraid of people’s judgement of my spiritual views as through so many lifetimes I was put to death because of them. With the evolution of the internet, this type of knowledge is more accessible than it ever was in the past. That is a good thing for people like me, because along with this knowledge, there is also a hunger for more information.

I mention so many times in both books about timing. I saw my own locked gates that held me back before the first book launch. For this book, there is no such barrier, but I do believe that the timing, the waiting for each section, is part of the grand plan and when finally the book is delivered into my hands, will be just perfect for when it is meant to be `out there’.



Power cut


Birthday celebration