Free time

It seems like forever ago that we had some free time to do as we please. I was late waking up this morning and even later rising, but that was ok. In fact, it was nice just to relax in bed. But even I was surprised as I looked at the clock to see it was 9.30am. I had been meaning to have a massage for some time and decided today would be the perfect day. I had been body boarding yesterday at the sea and my muscles were sore from the unused-to activity. I rang, and fortunately Pauline was home and told me to come on over. She had been out for the past week so the timing was perfect. One of the reasons I like Pauline for massage is that she is usually available and I don’t have to book weeks in advance. She gets into my muscles too, to the depth that I like. It has been a while since my last massage, so it felt like heaven having my back rubbed. Afterwards, I decided to walk from her place back to the village, instead of dropping Stephen off at his mate’s first. That way, I killed two birds with one stone, so to speak. I think I would have missed my walk had I not taken it then. There was a steep hill to negotiate, which I panted up; much more difficult than the flat beach walk I normally do. This afternoon a friend brought over some work for me to critique, I did some more preparation for my upcoming workshop and now I am writing this. It is lovely having time to do as I please.

I see the calendar is starting to fill up too. I have received a letter to get my hearing aids and eyesight checked, my service on the car is due, as well as a warrant of fitness before Christmas. None of these are booked yet. It feels like I am running out of time. I am sure many other people are feeling the same way. I notice businesses have not recovered since the lockdowns of last year, with quite a large waiting time for everything. Since I was unwell and had Covid, I haven’t regained my level of energy. That is why I want to keep pushing myself with walking and body boarding, in the hope that it will increase my fitness and give me more energy to manage the busy time ahead. If I do something one day, I still seem to need at least two days to recover afterwards. Perhaps I will put off most of these things until the new year. After all, my eyes and ears can keep. And there are still Christmas presents to buy as well. That generally takes a few visits to the shops. I have not made the personal presents that I like to make this year so that will mean more shopping as well. Plus, I am hoping to have another attempt to sell my book at the Thursday market before Christmas, we have our writing group meeting and Christmas lunch coming up. Then there is my workshop on December 1st and we have been given tickets to a food and wine festival nearby.

Perhaps that free time I am relishing today, will be short-lived.


Flowering Pohutukawa

