Food for thought

I was given something to think about following a meditation a few days ago. I had gone into an issue I was experiencing and was taken back to childhood. Nothing unusual in that. Often from there, I am taken to a past life where a similar issue would be shown to me, or even the origins of the one I had been experiencing.

But this time, I became aware that I was the sperm at the point of conception. I was on a mission and that was to find and fertilise the egg that would become me. I had never associated myself with the sperm before, always thinking I have originated from the egg, being female, but of course, whether we are male or female, there is always the two, sperm and egg, that we derive from, half from our fathers and half from our mothers.

The other thing that set me thinking was that I had full consciousness at this point, the same consciousness I have had when I have been out of my body and the consciousness that people describe in their near-death experiences. In this instance, I was very much aware I was me, even though I did not have a body at this stage. I was the sperm, full of the possibility of becoming either male or female.

Genevieve had only sent me some photos from a book she was reading to Willow, a few days ago. These were telling the story of creation and how the spirit watches over the growing foetus, entering the baby at the moment of birth. This book was written by a deeply spiritual woman.

I Googled ‘’consciousness entering a body’’. Scientific evidence seems to suggest that the earliest possible chance of this is at three or four months of pregnancy.

I now know otherwise. I have been given a tremendous amount of information on my past lives, and many other spiritual insights, but I have not been shown anything of the time between these lives, nor this early in my life, although I have had experiences of my time in the womb.

In this particular meditation, I was aware of the darkness as I was navigating my way towards the egg and part of me had thought I was in my own body, but I realised afterwards, I would have been in my mother’s womb. I knew I had to get to that egg, that was my prime mission. I felt a denseness and a negativity in this place, something I had also felt in the womb, in other instances.

During a meditation the following day, to look at my binge eating, I ended up going back along my father’s line, something I had not done before. Perhaps being shown the sperm alerted me to the fact that I was both my father and my mother and needed to do work on both. I had only worked on my mother’s lineage before and not that much, doing most of my healing work on my former lives instead. In this particular instance, I was shown trauma from loss, as my father’s father died when my father was 10. This also went back to his mother who suffered that loss, and then the loss of her second husband, which were before the days of welfare payments. Times must have been difficult for them, and I suspect some of that trauma had travelled in that sperm, to be healed by me at a later date.

Each piece of information I have been given, like this one, always turns out to be verified at some later stage. When I am first given it, it seems so ‘’out there’’ but I am confident, that in time, this will be verified as well. Of course, it will be a long time before science ‘’catches up’’ but probably quite quickly before others are given the same information. There seems to have been an acceleration of this type of knowledge of late. This whole revelation though does pose questions about in-vitro fertilisation, for example, when the fertilised eggs are frozen. Are these embryos conscious, thinking souls, sitting in limbo, waiting, but unable to advance until they are either used or destroyed? I am a great believer that we chose our parents, so I guess, those conceived in this way would have chosen their method as well. Perhaps they were impatient people in their previous lives and a start like this would teach them to learn patience.

It is certainly food for thought.


Joy to be outside


Stroke of luck