
I have fond memories of Easter, growing up as a child. Easter equated to hot cross buns and Easter eggs, both of which I loved. What I didn’t like though, was being dragged to church on Easter morning. I’m not sure if the dislike was from the clothes I was made to wear, the long sermons I had to endure or the lengthy periods kneeling on the hard stools. But whatever the reason, I dreaded the compulsory trip to Church that followed the joy of both Christmas and Easter morning. My mother was a stickler for her religious teaching and each Sunday we had correspondence religious instruction. We learnt the story of Easter and Christmas and many other significant religious occurrences. Thankfully, this wasn’t as bad as the times we were made to attend church. I went on to a boarding school, which entailed even more church, each morning, and twice a day on Sunday. But Easter continued to be a good time, because we were allowed home for a few days during this period.

I have a deep spiritual awareness. I pray and give thanks to God, I have worked with and seen Jesus and angels, yet the formal teachings and dogma of the church does not sit well with me. I know much of my opinion has been clouded by my former lives, where I was put to death by Christians, for my spiritual beliefs. I find the concept, I am a Christian but I hate you, incredibly hypocritical. To me God is love. If one was a true Christian, then one would be loving towards all fellow men. There would be no judgement or hate, yet I find this attitude, along with greed, abounds in many churches.

My guess is, that much of what was the original message of the church, has been altered over the ages, to give some people more power.

I have been listening to various people’s accounts of near-death experiences (NDE’s) on U Tube lately. What pleases me more than anything, is that I haven’t found any contradiction to what I have written in my books, from any of these people recounting their experiences. They find God a beautiful, loving presence. They are shown their lives and the things they did, both good and bad, but there is no judgement from God.

I will add here a piece I wrote in Who Is Me? page 60, second-to-last paragraph.

I was shown a vision once, that appeared to be Jesus. In this vision, I was shown myself soon after passing. I saw how there was no judgement from Jesus. All he did was enable me to see the error of my ways. The space of love I was in was so pure, it enabled me to see exactly how I had treated others and had behaved myself. The judgement didn’t come from Jesus or God; it came from me, for in that space of love, I was finally able to recognise my own shortcomings.

Who is Me? was published in 2016, that passage would have been written at least two years before that, and the experience would have happened even earlier. It is reassuring to hear these people on U Tube recounting their experiences and knowing that what I have written in my books is being backed up by these people. Some are shown their former lives too. I know my truth and I trust the information I am given. I have had a few negative reactions from Christians, some who even believe I am evil. My heart is aligned with God and the goodness that is him. Whether I align myself with any church, doesn’t matter. That is another thing I have been shown watching these U Tube clips. Even atheists receive the same love, as firm believers of God. One overriding theme with all these NDE’s is that people want to share the love of God after their experience. They want people to know that God is within everyone and everything. They also want to be better people and this comes back to how we live our lives, how we treat those around us. One doesn’t need to sit in a church to be a good person, or to talk to God or to feel Him.



