
I went to town on Saturday, a good opportunity to visit the market after all this rain we have been getting, and yes, we have had some of it.

New restrictions have recently been added along the way, starting with a shift from 100kph to 80kph, then to 60kph, back to 80kph, moving to 60kph again, back up to 80kph, then into a 50 kph restriction, followed by a stint of 100kph, before hitting town and once again driving at 50kph. These changes in speed are well sign-posted and I don’t mind them. They have been added to provide extra safety to inhabitants along the way.

What I do mind though, is motorists who choose to drive along the 100kph areas at 80kph. There is one passing lane and that is now set at 80kph, making any passing difficult.

What is worse, is the journey to the other town, the opposite way. There is a 60kph restriction through the built-up area, but the rest of the journey, about an hour and 20 mins is 100kph. We followed a car the entire way the other day, all at 80kph. There are no passing lanes. Whenever we approached an area that might provide a suitable passing area, in other words a straight, this motorist sped up to 100kph. So frustrating.

I used to see that when I lived further down country. Travelling northwards to the next town was a two-hour journey, through a couple of windy bits and only one passing lane. Once again, these drivers would crawl along, only speeding up when there was a straight, the only passing area for kilometres around.

If you are one of these motorists, I implore you to either let the cars building up behind you pass, or at the very least, remain at the speed you have been travelling when you hit a straight, so that those behind you can pass.

Roads further south are so much better than these roads here, with plenty of passing lanes. It is not always the speeding drivers who create the accidents. Whilst you might be travelling safely, with all the time in the world, it may be because of your slowness that someone else has taken a risk.

Until we get more passing lanes, there needs to be more consideration for each other on the road. Afterall, we all want to arrive happily at our destination.


Pink ones


Weight loss