Distant healing
I can tell when one of my sons needs a healing as I feel his anger creeping into the conversation. Without fail, the effects of the healing are immediate, as happened yesterday when I phoned him back to tell him what I had picked up. It was like I was talking to a different person. Where there had been heaviness, there was now laughter, and the anger I had been picking up on had totally disappeared. The good thing with this son is he knows when he needs a healing and he is very open to my suggestions to having one.
This particular son is very like me and vulnerable to his surroundings. It is like we are sponges and pick up on the energies of those around us. Plus, I am sure in his case, some of what comes up are his own unresolved issues. While I can easily remove what presents itself, there is probably more deeper stuff that comes to the surface for him, now and again.
I was asked to give his girlfriend a healing too and I was immediately taken to her work place, where I saw one individual as totally black, which indicated that person was very negative to be around. With this type of work, one doesn’t intrude into another’s space uninvited and so although I was shown this person, I couldn’t work on her to remove what I had seen, rather, all I could do was alert my son’s girlfriend to her presence. I am sure she would have felt this negativity emanating from this colleague, but as I say to people, knowledge is power. When someone is as negative as what I saw, they would be emitting that energy outwards, and definitely wouldn’t be pleasant to be around. But once one understands that these negative people can impact on us when we are in their vicinity, then that is power to us. We can avoid them or at the very least, spend as little time around them as possible. And maybe understand why we have been feeling the way we have.
There must be something in the air because I have just received another call from another of my children, this one who is worried. I suggested the exercise I mentioned in a blog a couple of days ago, about sending the energy anticlockwise around one’s body, to which I was told they had already done that yesterday. I went in and looked at this child, only to see three thick coatings of jealousy around them. I removed these coverings and this time was given a face as to who they had come from. Usually, I am not able to tell. Jealousy is such a destructive energy, as it shuts the person, where the energy is directed, down, making them unable to feel the positive energies around them, in this case, probably contributing to the worry.
That is three of my children who have needed healing this week. Thankfully, the fourth is in a good space. I think the collective energies of the world are heavy at the moment. All the fighting that is going on can’t be good energetically. Just because countries are continents away from us, doesn’t mean the energies are too. We are all part of the greater whole and are all affected by events happening in the world. Self-healing is so important, and for those of us who can, sending love out to others in the world is beneficial. I must start making this a daily habit instead of intermittently, as I have been doing. The reason I say those of us who can, is not that I mean some of us possess more abilities than others, rather, people who are hungry or are in war torn areas of the world would be concentrating on their own survival, rather than the wellbeing of others.
When I did my nursing training, we had to set objectives for our patients and these always started with the most basic of human requirements, such as being able to breathe. It was only after all these basic needs had been met that one could then set objectives for other things such as wellbeing and happiness.
All of us who are not in war torn areas or places of famine, thus have the ability to send healing to those less fortunate than ourselves. This kind of work is powerful and helpful. What is stopping us?